Articles by The Corner

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.

No Inflation In Texas: A Lesson There?

Benjamin Cole via Historinhas | It is too bad in some regards that Richard “Inspector Clouseau” Fisher, the former president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, in no longer ensconced in that position. For one, he was always great copy. For seconds, he was one of the most infallible reverse indicators of Post War Era, and economic soothsayers could bet against a Fisherian proclamation with a rare calm.

UBS forecasts

UK Budget: Deja-Vu, All Over Again

The Chancellor’s latest Budget saw the cumulative forecast for government borrowing over the next five years revised up by close to GBP 40bn. This reflects both weaker cyclical growth and also the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) taking a gloomier view on UK trend productivity growth.

Brazil bottoming

Is Brazil Bottoming Out?

UBS | Brazil is arguably facing its deepest recession since the 1930s. However, the recent improvement in investors’ perception of the country, combined with data suggesting economic activity is stabilizing, raises the critical question of whether Brazil has reached an inflection point.

upstream oil

Oil Companies’ Upstream Spend Down 27% And Falling

BARCLAYS | Despite the recent firming in oil prices, crude remains firmly below the level that we would consider being conducive to additional investment. As such spending continues to come under pressure, with our recently published upstream spending survey showing that companies have revised down budgets by a further 15% since January.

real estate madrid

Spain 3rd Most Attractive European Property Investment Hub After Germany, UK

Spain is the third most attractive European country for property investment in 2016, while Madrid is the continent’s second favourite city to invest in after London, according to the CBRE report “Global Investors Intentions.” The report also highlights the increasing sustainability of the European property sector, in comparison with last year’s performance and with other regions across the globe.

china IMF

Amidst Concerns Over High Debt, China Promises To Do Its Homework

Christine Lagarde’s two-day-visit to China concluded on Monday without any specific agreements on how Beijing will fend off financial risk. But Premier Li Keqiang insisted that they will use all the tools available. Trillions of renminbi of debt have built up in the Chinese economy as a result of decades of stimulus and easy credit.


Negative Interest Rates: European Experience, Japan Experiment

UBS | The overnight call rate is already running at close to zero after the BOJ introduced negative interest rates, partly due to problems in putting in place the systems, and no consensus view has yet taken shape about the knock-on effect and the impact on the economy or individual sectors.