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Spain Catalonia

What Catalans Think

Fernando González Urbaneja | The latest poll published by La Vanguardia shows 39% of Catalans in favour of independence and 53% against. With these figures, it is understandable that ERC is opting for the slow road, to continue to stir up public opinion in order to achieve its goal, to reach its Ithaca. There was also a question on the language spoken at home: Spanish 41%; Catalan 29%; indistinct 30%. Everyone will draw their own conclusions, but the claim that Catalan society is unanimous or clearly in favour of the “indepes” proposals does not enjoy sufficient support. Conllevanza rather than coexistence.

Christian Lindnerok

Germany: Christian Lindner’s Liberals Hold The Key

Olaf Scholz, vice-chancellor and leader of the SPD, the German Social Democrats, won the German elections yesterday with 25.7% of the vote. He came in ahead of Armin Laschet, Merkel’s successor in the CDU, who won 24.1% of the vote. Annalena Baerbock’s Greens, with 14.8%, will be the third force, and have already shown their preference for a government with the SPD. But it is Christian Lindner’s Liberals, with 11.5%…

Today’s German election is likely to be one of the most open contests in decades

Germany After Merkel: What’s Next?

Azad Zangana (Schroders) | Today’s is a major milestone election for Germany, and many will be keeping a close eye on the outcome. In any case, though we should see the results soon, negotiations to form the next coalition are likely to take several months given the potential wide range of combinations on offer. The new chancellor may not be inaugurated before 2022.


How Much Will The Electricity “Carajal” Cost The State?

Fernando González Urbaneja | In colloquial language, the word “carajal” is understood as a synthesis of a mess, a tangle, confusion: all in one. And there is no better definition for the issue of electricity prices. This is occupying the media so much that they are unable to explain the reality. In turn, this is worrying the government so much that it is afraid it has stepped on a mine…

chair powell

Unwinding QE More Difficult Than Expected

J.P. Marín Arrese | Jay Powell was crystal clear in Jackson Hole about his willingness to scale down QE starting by the year close. As the US economy is recovering at full steam and prices skyrocket to a 13-year record, the idea that  monetary policy will soon switch from the current over-loose stance to a more neutral one is hardly surprising. His message even sounded dovish as he cautioned against rushing into fighting inflation. He considered its current upsurge temporary, however, dismissing this upsurge might poise an…

CO2 777x400 1

EU Urges All Major Economies To Increase Efforts To Combat Climate Change

Antoinette Tyller (European Views) | The EU is calling upon all major economies to increase efforts to combat climate change. The call came in a blog published today by High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell. The last weeks have seen a series of extreme weather events including severe flooding in Germany and Belgium, and wildfires in Greece, Turkey and Sicily where temperatures yesterday…

trabajo playmobilTC

Is America Ready to Raise the Minimum Wage?

By Timothy Rich, Bridget Beavin, Ian Milden, Olivia Blackmon via Fair Observer | Since the federal mínimum wage was introduced in the United States in 1938, it has provided a level of security for workers to be able to afford a minimal living standard. However, the minimum wage of $7.25 an hour has not changed since 2009, the longest timespan without an increase in its history. Critics argue that $7.25…

Kristalina IMF

IMF Will Come To The Rescue

Many poor countries lost market access in the first half of 2020 with the arrival of the pandemic, forcing them into pro-cyclical austerity. Since then, and up to the end of last May, the IMF had provided unconditional financing to 78 countries to the tune of $109.6 billion. But the bulk of the assistance will come in August, when the IMF’s board of governors approves an allocation of $650 billion…

Jerome Powell

Why This Is No Taper Tantrum 2 For EM Bonds

James Barrineau (Schroders) | Emerging market bonds and currencies sustained serious damage in the 2013 “Taper Tantrum”, but are much better placed this time around. Some financial markets have reacted as if Federal Reserve (Fed) Chair Jay Powell rang the bell for tapering of easy financial conditions at the 16 June policy meeting. Investors have naturally dusted off the playbook from the last episode, the notorious “Taper Tantrum” that began…

Closing the gap between water supply and demand

Water: A Source Of Life As Well As A Refreshing Addition To Any Portfolio

Matthias Fawer & Thomas Trsan ( Vontobel AM) | If oil greases the wheels of the global economy, water helps to make its turbines spin. The amount of water used in industrial processes may be less publicized than the “blue gold’s” significance for planting crops, but it is no less significant. Earlier this year TSMC, one of the world’s largest manufacturers of electronic chips based in drought-hit Taiwan, had to resort to water imports to maintain production. Whilst crude oil and its derivatives are part of a well-established industry that may be past its peak, water and its varieties – green, blue, grey, or any other color – may still have surprises in store for us.