In Spain

ibex a tope

Spain’s Ibex 35 in 2017: Reaching 11,000 Is No Fantasy

Analyst consensus is unanimous. Stock markets will continue to rise in 2017 and, so they say, Spain’s Ibex 35 will be the strongest performer. While other European markets could see rises of between 8%-10% this year, some analysts predict the Ibex could climb above the 11,000 level in 2017. If this is the case, the revaluation would be a spectacular 15%-16%.


Spain’s Energy Companies Will Pay Town Councils For Cables Installation

The country’s Supreme Court has ruled that town councils should charge Spain’s electricity and gas companies for using the public domain for their energy transport installations, at a rate of between 3,000 and 12,000 euros per linear metre a year. This is what the court has set down in five legal rulings, putting an end to a long dispute between the town councils and the companies which refused to pay these fees.

Spanish budget

The Main Challenges The Spanish Economy Faces In 2017

It looks like 2017 will present a lot of opportunities and challenges for the Spanish economy. It will grow at a good pace, creating jobs, with a minority government obliged to seek consensus on issues like education and pensions. Meeting our deficit commitments to Europe will remain a challenge after 2016.

spain's energy poverty

Spain Agrees To Tackle Energy Poverty With Hardly Any Impact For Utilities

Spain’s main political parties PP, PSOE and Cuidadanos, with the exception of Podemos, have agreed to reform the electricity tariff discount rate, as well prohibit electricity cuts for those consumers considered “very vulnerable.” Analysts at ACF believe it will be important to confirm the final conditions and the net impact for the electricity companies, but a priori they don’t expect this will be significant.

spain working day ending at

Spain Working day finishing at 6, with a 20% jobless rate?

Spain’s Labour Minister has proposed that people should stop work at 6 pm. Where has that idea come from? And furthermore, where’s the good in that? Wouldn’t it be a better idea to work towards to make the working day as flexible as possible within each company?