MasMovil does not need a strong investment in 5G
The broadband market continues to grow in Spain: 31% penetration in Spain vs. 42% on average in other European countries, analysts at Morgan Stanley point out.
The broadband market continues to grow in Spain: 31% penetration in Spain vs. 42% on average in other European countries, analysts at Morgan Stanley point out.
MasMovil has closed a new agreement with Orange which includes both the mobile network (including 5G and extending it to 2028/2033) and Fibre to Home – FTTH – (including an additional 5.2 M UI) and at the same time has updates its estimates (2019/2020) extending them to 2021.
The four mobile operators in Germany have signed a declaration of intentions with the government and local authorities to roll out the LTE network at national level. Telefonica Germany will construct 333 new mobile installations by the end of 2021. As compensation, the government has committed itself to improve the method of payment for the 5G licences auctioned in June.
Manuel Moreno Capa (Director of GESTORES) | China already has its Nasdaq, its stock market for technology companies – the STAR index. Well, with certain differences: only 25 companies are listed on it, compared to the 3,000 listed on the Nasdaq. But it does not matter. The wind from the East blows hard and will drive technology funds, high risk products, but also with elevated potential returns in the medium and long term.
The German auction of 5G frequencies ended this week. Telefonica’s subsidiary in Germany was awarded a total 90MHz, for a cost of 1.425 Bn€, 22% of the total raised by the auction of 6.55 Bn€, higher than the expected 5 Bn€. Telefonica Deutschland was awarded 2 blocks in the 2GHz band and 7 blocks in the 3.6 GHz band. The assignment of the 2 GHz block will happen on 1 January 2021 and the other on 1 January 2026.
European Views | The bosses of BMW and Deutsche Telekom have urged the German government to take action to block a European Commission proposal that would set a WiFi-based standard for connected cars. Despite intense lobbying, the European Parliament voted in favor of the WiFi-based technology.
viaSantander Corporate & Investment | We continue to like Cellnex´s long term history (Objective Price for December 2018 of €27.30/share, based only on the current scope), but the potential value of future corporate transactions will begin to be reflects in its listing. Maintain.
Renta 4 | Telefónica has announced the result of the repurchase of the 2 hybrid bonds which it issued on 5 March. The nominal aggregate value which Telefónica will accept to purchase the bonds has reached 934.7 million euros, of which 586.5 million euros corresponds to the bond with maturity in December 2019 and 348.2 million euros with maturity in March 2020.
Last night the US Justice Department announced criminal charges against Chinese telecommunications company Huawei. These focus on the theft of intellectual property from the US and evading US sanctions against Iran. Also the US government has launched a ferocious campaign to persuade allies not to adopt Huawei’s 5G mobile phone technology.
Telefonica reached a non-binding agreement with Vodafone, which expands the current deal on sharing networks in the UK. The objective is to extend the duration and to include 5G. Both operators also want to modernize their fibre optic networks. The agreement depends on concluding the legally binding terms and securing the necessary regulatory approvals, which is expected to happen during 2019.