

Brazil’s Drama Of Unpredictability

Manuela Andreoni | As Brazil braces for its most important election in decades, hopes of stabilization are dwindling. The country is slowly stepping out of an almost three year-long recession, but uncertainty over what will happen at the ballot boxes later on this year is pushing debate on how to resume growth into a distant future.

Brazil privatisations

Brazil’s Privatisations Plan: Which Spanish Companies Would Be Interested?

Víctor Peiro (GVC Gaesco) | The emerging markets are performing well this year and so the context is favourable for revisiting the privatisation process in those countries. Brazil is set to sell off a raft of different assets, including state-owned utility Electrobrás. Several big Spanish companies could be interested in acquiring these assets.


Spanish Telefonica Q1 results

Telefonica Earns 779 M€ In Q1’17 Thanks To Brazil; Spain Disappoints

Telefonica’s  net profit rose 42.2% to 779 million euros in the first quarter of 2017 from a year earlier. The 2016 results were reformulated mid-last year after the group decided to stop presenting its UK subsidiary O2 as a discontinued operation. Revenues from its Brazil and Latin American operations were the main earnings driver.