
The EC rejects Italy's budgetary plans

The EC And Italy’s Game Of Chicken: Draft Budget Dismissed. Next Step To Fine The Country ?

“The narrative of expected compromises, a watering down of stances and the serving of another “Brussel’s fudge” seems to have become less convincing after the EU rejected the Italian budget proposal in an unprecedented move,” says analysts at Monex Europe regarding the rejection of Italy’s budgetary plans. In fact, for the first time in the history of the EU, the European Commission has rejected a draft budget proposal of a member country, while sounds from the Italian camp have an equally confrontational ring to it.

An unconvincing 2019 Spanish budget

An Unconvincing 2019 Spanish Budget

J.P. Marín- Arrese | The Spanish government has released its main budgetary lines, in a rather unusual and surprising way. For, it holds responsible the former PP Cabinet for most of the expenses plus a sizeable deviation from the deficit goal in 2018. The least one can say is that such a baffling message underlines its inability to curb the imbalance while enjoying power for the second half of this year.

The trick of the Italian budget law

And Finally Italy Takes A Stand Against Brussels

Last week the Italian Government approved a public deficit targets of – 2.4% of GDP for 2019-21 which will be included in the draft budget for 2019. The Minister of Finance, Giovanni Tria, has been under considerable pressure from the Lega and Five Stars, and has had to accommodate their electoral promises in the budget. One of the most important consequences of developing these budget will be a ferocious debate with the EU.

Rajoy presu

If The New Spanish Government Complies With General Budget, Economic Growth Should Not Be Derailed

In Spain today all eyes will be on the voting on the no-confidence motion which we expect will be successful. Unless current Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy decides to resign ahead of the vote. So everything points to PSOE leader, Pedro Sánchez, becoming the new Prime Minister. It looks like he will not propose new elections immediately, which we believe will prolong the political instability in the country.

spanish GDP

Going Around In Circles With Budgetary Stability

For a long time, Spain has had a “debt pending” in terms of budgetary stability. And, for the time being, the current scenario leads us to think that balancing the public finances is a difficult objective to achieve in the medium-term. Added to that problem is the high level of government debt.


Budget Balance In France And The ‘Funding Pot’

Robust economic growth in France in 2017, coming in at 2%, helps ease the restrictions on public finances. The other point worth noting is that the government must use surplus income, or what is known in France as the ‘funding pot’, to rebalance public finance rather than embark on fresh spending measures if it really wants to prove its commitment on public finances.