capital markets

IOSCO Secretary General David Wright

Markets supervisor: With its capital markets union Brussels is behind the curve

MADRID | March 26, 2015 | By Ana FuentesDavid Wright is charged with overseeing international securities regulators in his role as Secretary General for IOSCO. In an exclusive interview with The Corner, he speaks of the need for greater urgency in integrating global capital markets. He also notes that a failure to understand the changes taking place in global financial markets could be hindering economic growth.

Dublin taps on capital markets

Dublin taps on capital markets

MADRID | By JP Marin Arrese | Last Tuesday, Ireland raised € 3.75 bn on a 10-year bond issue, for the first time since it exited the bailout scheme last month. Investors’ appetite run high as offers placed reached roughly four times that figure. The yield stood at 3.54% showing that confidence is swiftly pulling back to fair standards. It was a gorgeous day for the island’s economy as Dublin was able to cash half of government’s funding needs for the whole year, at such a reasonable cost.