spain tranquility

Spain has reason to be tranquil

The direct impact of the global slowdown in Spain is being offset by the positive indirect effects on private consumption. High GDP growth rates will be maintained in 2015 and 2016, but these will moderate progressively, with economic growth seen falling to 2.8% from 3.1% in 2015 as reported by Bank of Spain last week.

Repsol's Josu Jon Imaz and Antoni Brufau

Spanish Repsol ratifies its Executive Management team

MADRID | April 27, 2015 | By Fernando G. Urbaneja | At his own pace, without giving up to noisy external pressures, Repsol Chairman Antonio Brufau established an executive management model with a clear separation between the chairman of the Board and the executive team –entrusted to a CEO with full authority. That had been a claim of significant shareholders of the Spanish oil firm and some investment funds, although for different reasons. 

Ibex 35

Non-financial Ibex trading at 20x PE of the current year

The Corner | April 14, 2015 | At first sight the Spanish Ibex multiple does not seem particularly stressed (16.2 x PE 12 months forward with a premium of 15% against historical series). But analysts believe that it is actually being affected by optimistic earnings estimates, especially in the banking sector.



Bankinter: Spain’s Ibex to reach 12,878 points (+12%) in 2015

The Corner | March 30, 2015 | While much of the attention is focused on bonds, it should also be noted that stocks and real estate market are also worth more. How much? Bankinter analysts forecast that Spain’s Ibex will reach 12,878 points (potential + 12%) in 2015; EuroStoxx50, 4,338 (+ 18%); S&P 500, 2,333 (+ 10%). The Japanese Nikkei remains the least attractive option at 20.305 (+ 4%).

cuentas analisis TC

Dollar appreciation benefits Spanish firms

MADRID | The Corner | The onset of QE by the ECB will have several consequences but one of the most important is the continued depreciation of the euro against other currencies. The significant appreciation of the dollar, the pound and the Brazilian real in recent months could be very positive for Spanish companies,” but it depends on how they are funded in these countries and whether the currency risk is covered,” said experts BekaFinance.