David Cameron

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Fool Britannia

Nick Malkoutzis via Macropolis | A pointless referendum, a prime minister resigning, the opposition collapsing in a heap, the finance minister disappearing and nobody having any plan about what to do: This has all happened over the last few years in Greece. Never, though, all at the same time as has just occurred in the UK.


Hats Off To Cameron

Just as he did with the Scottish referendum, David Cameron has also pulled it off in the case of Brexit: the possibility that the UK will leave the EU. His negotiations with the EU have been efficient, giving him freedom of action on issues which, in any event, will have to be reformed, like the free movement of citizens.

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Brexit Is More Complicated Than You Think

John Bruton | In June, the people of the United Kingdom may vote to leave the European Union (EU). At the moment, a narrow majority favors remaining in the EU, but a large group is undecided. That group could swing toward a “leave” position for a variety of reasons, including what might be temporary EU problems with refugees. However temporary the reasons might be, a decision to leave would be politically irreversible.


Cameron decides to play with fire and risks being burnt

Although there is still no date set for the referendum on whether the UK withdraws or not from the European Union, it’s looking very much like this could take place in October 2016. Prime Minister David Cameron has said his intention is not to abandon the EU, but rather reshape its ties with Britain. But key analysts think his strategy could be risky and, in the end, go against him and jeopardise his political future.

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Is EU Red Tape Choking Growth?

MADRID | By Tania Suárez | European Red Tape has been subject to a lot of criticism due to its harsh conditions. A British Government report released on Tuesday claims that “EU regulation is strangling economic growth.” PM David Cameron said it was time for Brussels to “commit to more concrete measures to get rid of the unnecessary regulation which holds our businesses, and Europe, back.”

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Cameron Chooses Santander’s Ana Botín to Stir Up the City

MADRID | By Tania Suárez | Ana Botín will now be part of a first level team in David Cameron’s government, which will stand up for Brand London as international financial centre. The Prime Minister has chosen the Spanish businesswoman after her harsh speech on “the culture of pessimism” in Britain.


London-Madrid …Valencia?

LONDON | Spanish president Mariano Rajoy stepped on to Downing Street but talked instead to the City of London. It will not be the last time that this happens. The shift in the UK’s relationship with most European Union country members should be a troubling sign of the declining power Whitehall and the Houses of Parliament retain amid one of the most crude economic downturns seen in some decades. Then…