European elections: a beginner’s guide to the vote
Tatiana Coutto via The Conversation | The European Parliament elections are not unlike cricket. Both can last for quite a few days and it can be pretty hard to understand the rules.
Tatiana Coutto via The Conversation | The European Parliament elections are not unlike cricket. Both can last for quite a few days and it can be pretty hard to understand the rules.
Ana Fuentes (Brussels) | In a week´s time we will know the results of the European elections, the road map of the EU in a delicate moment of great fragmentation. To think in the classical left-right divide is a mistake. What matters is playing out in a cross bordering way: those that believe in Europe, although they question it in many areas, versus those who seek fewer concessions and more returns, more power for the sovereign states, even though they receive European funds.
Ana Fuentes (Strasbourg) | Where should the EU look in the future? What are the priorities? At a time of rapid change, protectionism and nationalist populism, the European Parliament has approved a document of minimums called The Future of Europe. As inevitably happens in such plural institutions, it is neither binding nor completely satisfies anyone, but sets out the challenges the still 28 members have to confront together if the European project is not to diluted. We discuss it with Ramón Jáuregui, socialist MEP and rapporteur of the text.
MADRID | The Corner | After their sweeping defeat at the European polls, both Spanish ruling conservative Popular Party and the Socialists have switched to a crisis management mood. The first prominent victim was Socialists’ leader Alfredo Pérez Rubalcaba, who announced his resignation on Monday. The party will choose new leaders at an extraordinary meeting on July 19 and 20.
ATHENS | By Macropolis | The final results from Sunday’s European Parliament elections confirmed that SYRIZA gained a victory of 3.9 percentage points over New Democracy but the outcome of the ballot left both parties with much to think about in the weeks ahead. SYRIZA attracted 26.6 percent of the vote, which is slightly down on its share of the vote in the June 2012 elections. New Democracy received 22.7 percent but pointed to the 8 percent that PASOK’s Elia alliance gained as evidence that the coalition retains a clear mandate to continue governing.
The Corner Analysis | In the grim day in which the French National Front victory broke the expectations of a more united and strong Europe, Spaniards broke the bipartisan establishment for the first time in 35 years. Podemos, born from the Indignados (outraged) movement, was the biggest surprise in the political arena. Voters weary of austerity measures and corruption also punished the political establishment in Greece. Eurosceptics and xenophobe movements dangerously gained strenght in Denmark, Austria, Finland and the UK.
MADRID | By Álex García
MADRID | The Corner | It’s not just another campaign carried out from and for the states or Brussels, but the first time the long-aspired EU political union will be really tested. The EP2014, world’s second biggest polls (India comes first) with +400 potential voters are taking place after the implementation for the first time of the Lisbon Treaty prerogatives. The effects of austerity measures and budget cuts are expected to have a great impact, and abstention may be the main winner, especially among the youngest, disappointed generation. Stay tuned!
BRUSSELS | By Jacobo de Regoyos | Both financial analysts and polls forecast an ascent of the extreme right vote in the next European elections. The crisis and the discredit of traditional politics have been the breeding ground for these parties, which may earn one out of four seats in May due to the increasing anti-European feeling in the population.
MADRID | José Fernández Albertos at El Diario via Presseurop | European elections are transnational, but voting is determined by campaigns on local issues, and the political consequences of the election results are essentially local. This paradox is a major obstacle for European integration.