european integration

Ngaire Woods: "We are moving towards a globalisation sustained by empires"

Ngaire Woods: “We Are Moving Towards A Globalisation Sustained By Empires”

Pablo Pardo (Washington) | Dean of the Blatavnik School of Government, Ngaire Woods is one of the people closest to Robert Keohane, of Princeton University, one of the most influential international relations theorists in the world. Woods, whose doctoral thesis was on European monetary union, has specialised in global governance and the role of multilateral institutions, two questions which have been the centre of debate following the victory of Donald Trump and Brexit.

European integration: the next five years... and the following decades

European Integration: The Next Five Years… And The Following Decades

CaixaBank Research | The underlying conditions are in place for a new leap forward in the European integration process, but this is unlikely to happen over the next five years. The euro area will make progress in completing its institutional framework, especially with regards to the banking union. Defence, the relationship with China and migration are becoming focal points in the political sphere for joint decision-making (although this is still some way off).


The New European Fortress: Schengen Is No Longer Irreversible

Schengen, another great symbol of European integration, is walking on thin ice because of the difficulty of governments to manage the refugee crisis and the security problems posed by jihadist attacks. Schengen is no longer  irreversible. Even countries like Sweden are considering gestures as symbolic as the closure of the bridge that connects it with Denmark.