italian elections

Italia Irlanda

Italy Vs Ireland… For Whom The Bell Tolls

Miguel Navascués | Giorgia Meloni’s election victory is a new warning to the errors of European bureaucracy, to the stiff Commission, to the false and undemocratic Parliament, and to the no less disoriented European Central Bank. Italy is fed up. It is fed up with this Europe, it is fed up with the Euro (which, it thinks, prevents it from growing with dignity and makes it long for its Lira,…


The Right Wing Takes Over The Government In Italy

The coalition of conservatives, post-fascists and populists, led by Giorgia Meloni, won 44% of the votes in both Congress and the Senate, with 96% of the votes counted. “It is the time of responsibility, we will govern for all Italians”, said the very possible future prime minister after an election with a historic abstention rate. With a turnout of 63.9%, Giorgia Meloni’s Fratelli d’Italia had 26.2% of the vote, Enrico…

Italian elections

Italians vote: vaffanc*lo!

By Marcus Nunes, economist and author | If you followed the results of the Italian general election, you would probably be wondering: what will happen to the “growing investor confidence” the European Commission was talking about?