
Sánchez Defends Chaves And Griñán After The ERE Conviction: “They Are Paying For The Sins Of Others”

The President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, defended, on Wednesday, the former presidents of Andalusia Manuel Chaves and José Antonio Griñán after their conviction in the ERE case. Pedro Sánchez believes that “they are paying for the sins of others” , and avoided saying anything on “hypothetical future actions” such as the granting of a pardon. In a press conference with the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, Sánchez stressed…


The Government Rectifies Again To Try To Control The Constitutional Court

The PSOE will register a bill in Congress to enable the General Council of the Judiciary – which was prevented by decree from making new appointments while it remains in office – to make only the appointments of the two judges of the Constitutional Court. The Government is determined to renew the Constitutional Court (TC). To this end, it is going to register a parliamentary initiative that will allow the…


Brussels Does Not Understand The Blocking Of The CGPJ

Fernando González Urbaneja | In Brussels, the leaders of the European Commission do not understand, do not share, the Spanish debate on the renewal of the Council of the Judiciary. They do not say what should be done, it does not fall within their remit. However, they warn that it sounds bad, smells bad and damages the reputation of Spanish democracy. It seems this well-known and publicised opinion does not…


A Mediator For The General Council Of The Judiciary

Fernando González Urbaneja | In Europe we know of cases where governments have been blocked for up to a year or more and states have continued to function reasonably normally. The Netherlands, Belgium, Italy and even Germany have maintained deadlocks to form coalition governments for many months. The same happened in Spain during the electoral agony/anomaly of 2019, so we already have experience. But these difficulties being transferred from the…


The Judiciary In The Pillory

Fernando González Urbaneja | Pablo Iglesias is not in government, but his objectives are still on course. As he himself explained, his immediate political action should focus on weakening two powers: the Crown and “los togados”, the judiciary. In his opinion the latter is in the hands of Francoist reactionaries who must be subjugated. His thesis is that the judiciary should be subordinated to the executive, to the will of…

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Goldman Boys again in the spotlight for inside trading

NEW YORK | US authorities’ investigation into insider trading at hedge funds is expanding quickly. The last case: a Goldman Sachs IT analyst may have leaked insider information to hedge funds. According to the Wall Street Journal, Henry King, senior technology analyst at the bank in Hong Kong and one of the big fish of his field, well-known for his apologetic forecasts about IT firms, allegedly advised Goldman Sachs clients…