
Emiliano García Page, Socialist President of Castilla La Mancha: “The toll for the ERC votes in Madrid is very expensive for Spain and for the PSOE”

In an interview granted yesterday to the newspaper La Razón, the socialist leader explains that he speaks “from his conscience” for “many other socialists” who have the same opinion but do not have a voice. Q- What is the cost to Spain of repealing the crime of sedition? asks La RazónA- The current president of the Generalitat set 2030 as the date for a new illegal referendum, if I remember…


Former PSOE Leaders Denounce Sánchez’s Law Of Democratic Memory And The Pact With Bildu. Current Leaders Keep Quiet And Maintain Their Salaries

Several historic leaders of the PSOE have signed a statement against the Democratic Memory bill and the agreement reached with EH Bildu, considering it a “distortion” of the historical truth by extending the “suspicious period” of the dictatorship until 1983. The letter, issued by the Association for the Defence of the Values of the Transition, is signed by former socialist leaders such as the former presidents of the Senate, Javier…


Andalusia: More Than 150,000 Socialist Voters Lent Their Vote To The PP

Fernando González Urbaneja | If achieving power is difficult, losing it is bitter; few know how to lose. When Felipe González lost, he did so with the sweet feeling that it was a close call, thus mitigating a defeat that had been foretold; he knew how to lose, half-heartedly; and it did not take him long to realise that his time was up. On Sunday in Seville almost none of…


PSOE And UP Clash Over The Audiovisual Law, Which Was Finally Saved By The PP’s Abstention

Another heart-stopping vote. Now for the audiovisual law. Once again, the Government has ended up at odds with its partners and, on this occasion, also with itself. The PSOE and Unidas Podemos have split with a vote in favour and an abstention, respectively, despite the fact that it is a law that has been sponsored by the Executive itself. This was evident in the vote: 130 yeses (PSOE, PNV, CC,…

Sanchez Feijoo

Bonus For Feijóo Or “Malus” For Sánchez

Fernando González Urbaneja | All the polls (except those of the CIS) improve the voting expectations of the PP with Feijóo at the helm and worsen those of Sánchez’s socialism. In fact, they sketch out a tie at around 30% of the vote for each. And all the polls show that the Prime Minister’s rating is below that of the party and some of his ministers. These ratings seem to…


Spaniards Blame Vox And PSOE For Political Tension

The Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) has asked Spaniards about “tension”. A large majority believe that, at “these times”, there is “a lot or quite a lot” and the main culprits are PSOE and Vox. The barometer directed by José Félix Tezanos says that political tension worries 79% of Spaniards and that almost 90% of citizens are calling for an end to it. According to 44.6% of those surveyed, there…


“Saving The PSOE”

On 1 October 2016, the day the PSOE executive kicked Pedro Sánchez out of the party’s general secretariat (his subsequent revenge would be merciless) El País defined Sánchez’s profile in its editorial “Saving the PSOE”: “The inevitable and legitimate dismissal of Pedro Sánchez is the only way out for the party”. “The departure of the PSOE’s secretary general, Pedro Sánchez, is essential…. Sánchez has not turned out to be a…

pedro alertado

Why Sánchez’s PSOE Is Collapsing In Madrid

T.C. | Why has Pedro Sánchez’s PSOE been swept aside in the Madrid elections on May 4th? Because, very much in his usual style, he waited until the 5th to announce to all Spaniards the content of the Recovery Plan sent to Brussels the previous week, with tax hikes on all fronts. So Spain has a government in which everything is about electoral calculation, deceit and contradiction. Something that, at…

The agreement on the minimum wage and the relative success of the trip to Catalonia encourages the new government

The Minimum Wage And The Trip Of Sánchez To Catalonia Encourages The New Government

Joan Tapia (Barcelona) | The PSOE-Podemos Coalition Government has not failed to confront its two main challenges: economic policy and Catalonia. However, now comes the most important issue: to approve the national budget for 2020 for which it needs a vote in favour of ERC. This time the abstention of ERC is not enough, as in the case of the investiture, which was achieved in exchange for the establishment of a dialogue between the governments of Madrid and Barcelona.

pedro sanchez preocupado

Better red than dead

J.P. Marín Arrese | This motto struck by Bertrand Russell galvanised those opposed to the nuclear weapons race. In his view, surrendering to communism stood as a less harmful choice than the dire prospect of massive immolation in a new world war. Fortunately, we skipped confronting the bad and worst alternatives Mr Russell thought would inevitably emerge.