Vox party spain


Vox breaks with PP and leaves government of five autonomous communities up in the air

Vox, the party led by Santiago Abascal, has carried out its threat: to stop supporting the five autonomous governments in which it participates (Valencia, Extremadura, Murcia, Aragon and Castile and Leon) if the PP accepted, as it has done, the distribution of 110 immigrant minors who will leave the Canary Islands to decongest that Autonomous Community on their way to those five Communities where 11 million citizens, according to Vox,…


Spaniards Blame Vox And PSOE For Political Tension

The Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas (CIS) has asked Spaniards about “tension”. A large majority believe that, at “these times”, there is “a lot or quite a lot” and the main culprits are PSOE and Vox. The barometer directed by José Félix Tezanos says that political tension worries 79% of Spaniards and that almost 90% of citizens are calling for an end to it. According to 44.6% of those surveyed, there…


Might The Extreme Right Come To Power In Spain?

J.P. Marín-Arrese | The centre-right party leader, Mr Casado, has been at odds for months with the president of the Madrid region, Ms Díaz Ayuso. He has not provided any convincing reasons for refusing her bid to head the PP in the Madrid region. Now, we know he feared a corruption scandal might spark off as the regional government, which she heads, granted a public procurement to a family friend…

Far-right populists break through in the Spanish politics too

Far-Right Populists Break Through In Spanish Politics Too

The elections in Andalucia have revolutionised Spanish politics with the the worst ever results for the socialist party (PSOE), which has been governing this autonomous community without interruption since 1978, and the entrance of the far right, in the form of the new party Vox, in the Spanish political map.