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Why you should care about income inequality- No matter how irreverent or serious you are

MADRID | The Corner | New York-based British comedian John Oliver, well known for his hilarious parodies of economic issues (if you haven’t seen his Dodd Frank Act impersonation, you definitely should- sorry for the poor quality of this video), has digged in US growing wealth gap and why it may be a problem in the future. Indeed, income flows are becoming increasingly unequal and that’s undermining growth.  


How Americans use their free time

Having breakfast, going to the office, running some errands, fixing dinner… routine looks pretty much the same in all developed countries. In the U.S. there is an interesting study (the American Time Use Survey) conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics about what people do in their typical working day. It measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, volunteering, and socializing. It’s…