Articles by Dániel Stemler

About the Author

Dániel Stemler
A Hungarian freelance journalist covering geopolitics and energy in Spain, the wider European Union and Africa. His articles have appeared in international publications such as, EUobserver or Yahoo Finance. He holds an MA in Professional Multimedia Journalism from Madrid's Complutense University.
Angela Merkel

What To Expect From The Upcoming But Forgotten German Elections?

There has been something of a political roller-coaster in Europe over the past months, and it appears already that no-one is giving much importance to the upcoming federal elections in Germany. But there are various issues and questions making this election especially important for Germany and the EU.

renewables record

Irena says 2016 record breaking year for renewables

Dániel Stemler | According to the latest report by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), last year was a record year for renewables as the “global renewable energy generation capacity increased by 161 gigawatts (GW) in 2016”.

The security of the UK’s LNG supply is precarious

What’s next for Europe and natural gas; the importance of LNG

Dániel Stemler | In recent years we have seen countless proposals for projects to deliver natural gas to Europe and ease the European Union’s dependence on Russian gas. And the LNG revolution has put another significant element on the table for European leaders.

EU renewable's 2020 target

EU on right path to achieve 2020 renewables target

Dániel Stemler | According to Eurostat, the EU’s statistical office, the union is on track to meet its 2020 renewables target. Spain’s share of renewables in gross final consumption of energy is 16.2% share, so only 3.8% of its 20% target.