Articles by JP Marin Arrese

About the Author

JP Marin Arrese
Juan Pedro Marín Arrese is a Madrid-based economic analyst and observer. He regularly publishes articles in the Spanish leading financial newspaper 'Expansión'.
Digital needs of asset and wealth managers

The Economy of Digital Money

By issuing digital money, the central banks could provide an answer for the substitution of jobs by robotization, or solve the problem of excessive public debt, easing the increasing pressure on finances from burdens like pensions.

Jerome Powell delivered an upbeat appraisal of the US economy

Bullish Powell Fuels Higher Rates

In his first congressional testimony, Jerome Powell delivered an upbeat appraisal of the US economy. In his own words, headwinds have turned into tailwinds. While avoiding any commitment on the plausible monetary stance, markets have discounted a faster pace in rate hikes, pushing bond yields to fresh highs.

The times are a' changing for the Federal Reserve

Federal Reserve’s Next Move: The Times Are A’ Changing

Jerome Powell is bound to have a crash landing in the Federal Reserve. From the very beginning of his mandate, pressure is mounting on him to raise rates. An unpalatable choice for someone who hoped to follow Janet Yellen’s wait-and-see stance for as long as he could.


Spain Misses the Point on the Financial Crisis

The Spanish Parliament has set up a special Committee to scrutinise what led to the financial crisis ten years ago. But the craving for finding individual culprits will overrun any reasonable attempt to search for the simple truth that no one could foresee the crisis.

Catalonia Independence

Brave New Catalonia

Ever since the nationalists in Catalonia flared a low key rebellion against Madrid, the region seems close to the world depicted by Aldous Huxley. They are attempting to create a brand new life, erasing all Spanish vestiges from early childhood onwards.

Janet Yellen says goodbye

Janet Yellen Says Goodbye; Her Economic Mastery Will Be Missed

In her last press conference as Fed Chair, Janet Yellen showed no visible signs of emotion or resentfulness, taking her wholly unjustified dismissal with notable fortitude and good spirits. For all her weaknesses, both observers and markets will miss her unbiased attitude, conscientious dedication and economic mastery.