Articles by The Corner

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.

Deutsche Boerse

Deutsche Boerse, A Merger That Need Not Happen

Since the DB /LSE merger was announced (a year ago officially), it has been more beneficial to LSE shareholders than to DB’s, with a valuation gap (29x for LSE vs. 18x for DB) that has never closed. Respective shares have continued to trade in an uncorrelated way suggesting that not only the deal is not consummated but that the GBP/Brexit tango cannot be ignored.

Eurozone inflation

Eurozone Inflation: With Just A Very Little Help From My Friends

Yes, inflation is a global phenomenon, and inflation moving higher elsewhere will help Euro area inflation. According to BoAML, while the global backdrop will be helping, it will not move the needle enough to sustain inflation beyond the mid-year hump. Analysts think that a gradual improvement in the global output gap will generate a cumulative increase of 5bps in Euro area core inflation.

soft landing - central bankers´ holy grail

ECB faces the NPLs burden: over €900 MM, almost 9% of Eurozone GDP

The problem loans of the big banks directly under ECB supervision totalled close to 1 trillion euros at end-2015, although they declined to 921 billion in September 2016 (almost 9% of the euro area’s GDP), according to the data disclosed by Vítor Constâncio on February 3. But the problem is that this figure is not distributed homogeneously across the banks.

Spanish banks and housing market

The Importance Of Housing And The Mortgage System In Spain

Spain’s mortgage system, which is one of the cheapest and with the best financing conditions in Europe, has allowed more than 80% of families to own their own home. So a priority should be put on maintaining the system’s characteristics, in terms of depth and stability.

Populism in Europe

Explaining the Rise of Populism in Europe

While three more rate increases have been forecast for 2017, growing populism is a crisis of entitlement, and those higher interest rates will squeeze some countries more than others.

Banking regulation

Banking Regulation: Do We Stop Extending This Or Go Further?

J. L. M. Campuzano (Spanish Banking Association) |So where do we go now? Do we stop extending banking regulation or do we keep including more conditions? We look to the US, but actually the debate already started a few months ago in Europe. Many experts (some from the ECB itself) warned about the complexity of the measures taken up to now and about the risk this implied for the sector’s stability. And for the financing of the economy.

Earnings US vs Europe

Europe Vs US: The Earnings Comeback

US is at a 40-year high relative to Europe(outperforming by 105% since 2008). With big secular shifts in the wind, investors are naturally curious to evaluate the case for Europe. The conclusion is the region is cheap vs the US.