Articles by The Corner

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.
Ten years after the Lehman Brothers crisis

Investors Are Not Concerned About Whether A Bank Is Systemic Or Not

Fernando Rodríguez  | Analysts who study banking stocks every day do not seem to pay much attention to the factors which condition the systemic banks. In general, they feel that whether a bank is systemic or not should not influence its stock market performance or its dividend policy. It should not be the only criteria for investing in a bank.

US soft a and hard data

Playing With Fire: The FX Implications Of US Trade Protection

The so called Trump trades, and particularly the long USD trade, have seen a correction this year. Indeed, it started after President Trump’s first press conference after the elections, on 11 January, where he used strong rhetoric against US companies that invest abroad and then export to the US. BoAML believes that the market is still pricing a benign scenario, in which the new US administration delivers fiscal stimulus and deregulation, but does not go ahead with trade protection. F

Spain home market

Spain’s Housing Market: The Recovery Continues, The Problems Grow

Julio Rodríguez | The economic recovery continues to boost a market which has seen prices rise 10.8% in the last three years. But this dynamism contrasts with the problems for accessing the housing market which young aspiring home owners are experiencing. A more energetic government policy is required to establish a pool of homes for rent and strengthen the creation of social housing.


energy unconventional sources

Energy 2022: Return of the Unconventionals

The 2014 -15 oil price crash led to sharp pullbacks in upstream capex, leading to the “conventional wisdom” (as held by the IEA, EIA, and OPEC Secretariat) that a supply gap will open up by the end of the decade due to limited greenfield projects and accelerating decline rates… but Citi’s analysts disagree with this consensus.

Indra Tecnocom

Two IT Small Markets Caps Sopra And Indra Face To Face

Sopra Steria and Indra Sistemas are small market caps (respectively €2.2bn and €1.7bn) compared to their peers Atos and Capgemini with market caps of €10.0bn and more. Both stocks trade at reasonable 2017 P/Es (respectively 13.4x and 13.6x) and analysts see significant upsides for both stocks. Indra is clearly more of a high risk- high return proposition while Sopra may have to cope with Brexit-induced uncertainties


The Pending Issue Of Fintech Regulation: A Risk Or A Benefit For The Banks?

José Luis M. Campuzano (Spanish Banking Association) | Without doubt, banks can benefit in the medium and long-term from those companies which the term “fintech” encompasses. And competition in the short-term, particularly in the segments of payments and loans, is a small price to pay considering the synergies and the revitalising effect for the banks of being digitally closer to the client.