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España economia

INE preliminary data shows Spain’s growth slows to 0.4% in 2Q23, while inflation rises to 2.3% in July

The Spanish economy grew by 0.4% between April and June compared with the previous quarter, one tenth of a percentage point less than in the previous quarter, while its year-on-year rate eased by more than two points, from 4.2% in the first quarter to 1.8% in the second, due to the lower contribution of the foreign sector. According to the advance National Accounts data published on Friday by the National…

ebrofoods fabrica

Ebro Foods: Top rice exporter India bans non-basmati white rice exports

Alphavalue / Divancons: The Spanish rice and pasta company is to publish its 2Q23 figures today. On the other hand, India, which is the main rice exporter, took the decision to ban the export of non-basmati white rice. This move is significant as India accounts for about 40% of the world’s rice trade, and the ban will affect a quarter of its total exports. The main objective behind this decision…

telefonica gran via logo nuevo

Telefónica earns €462 million in June, up 44.5%

The company reported revenues of €462 million in the last three months, an increase of 44.5% compared to the same period in 2022. In this period, revenues rose by 0.9% to €10,133 million. However, in the second half of the year as a whole, the company recorded €760 million, 25.9% less than the €1,026 million in 2022, due to the €200 million of capital gains from the sale of the…

España bancos 1

Spanish banking sector NPL ratio rises in May to 3.59%, up from 3.55% in previous month

Link Securities | According to data published by the Bank of Spain and reported by Expansión, the banking sector’s non-performing loans ratio rose in May to 3.59% of total credit, up from 3.55% the previous month, making it two months in a row of increases. However, it remains at the lowest level since December 2008. Compared with the rate in May 2022, the financial sector’s NPL ratio fell by 0.59…


Repsol, which generates 20% of all energy consumed in Spain, reports €1.42 billion profit in first half of 2023

The company has already paid a final dividend of €0.35 gross per share in July, which together with the one paid in January brought the cash dividend for the year to €0.70 gross per share, 11% more than in the previous year. In addition, Repsol yesterday approved a new capital reduction through the cancellation of 60 million treasury shares, which will be added to the 50 million shares cancelled in…

Banco Santander office

Santander achieves attributable profit of €5,241m in first half of 2023, up 7%

Santander achieved an attributable profit of €5,241 million in the first half of 2023, up 7% in both constant and current euros versus the same period last year, as strong growth in revenues, particularly in Europe, offset the year-on-year growth in provisions in North and South America. In the second quarter, attributable profit increased 17% versus the second quarter of 2022 to €2,670 million, as the number of customers the…


Naturgy reports €1,045M profit up to June and dividend yield over 5%

Naturgy reported a net profit of €1,045 million in the first half of the year, an increase of 87.6% compared to the same period in 2022, mainly due to the “good performance of the internal business activities” and the good management of purchases in a competitive market. The energy company headed by Francisco Reynés increased its investments to €839 million, 16% more, and investments for the five-year period 2021-2025 will…

BBVA Torres

BBVA to redeem a €1-billion CoCos issue early

CdM| The Spanish bank will redeem early an issue of preference shares convertible into ordinary shares for a total nominal amount of €1 billion, as reported Friday to the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). In this way, the entity has informed of its “irrevocable decision” to proceed with the redemption on September 24, coinciding with the first review date. The redemption price for each preference share will be €202,937.50, equivalent…

China interest rate reform

People’s Bank of China keeps lending rates unchanged

Link Securities | The People’s Bank of China (PBoC) announced early on Thursday morning that kept its lending rates unchanged after the central bank earlier in the week left its medium-term policy rate unchanged. The one-year prime lending rate (LPR), which is the medium-term lending facility used for corporate and household loans, remained unchanged at 3.55%; while the five-year rate, the benchmark for mortgages, was left unchanged at 4.2%, in…

España bancos

Average rate at which Spanish banks granted mortgage loans in June reached 4.045%, highest level since 2009

Alphavalue/DIVACONS| The annualised return on equity of Spanish banks rose to 11.15% compared with 9.86% in the previous quarter and 10.56% in the same quarter last year, according to supervisory statistics on credit institutions for the first quarter of this year published on Thursday by the Bank of Spain. On the other hand, the average rate at which Spanish banks granted mortgage loans in June reached 4.045%, which is its…