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Naturgy awarded €17.5-million contract to supply natural gas to prisons

Link Securities| Naturgy (NTGY), through Gas Natural Comercializadora, has been awarded the contract to supply natural gas to the penitentiary establishments of the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions, attached to the Ministry of the Interior. According to the contract formalisation announcement, published in the Official State Gazette (BOE), the amount of the award is €17.5 million, as reported on Wednesday by Europa Press. The tender for the contract, which was…

natural gas

Australian strikes and competition from Asia make gas futures rally for second time in a week

Norbolsa| The European natural gas futures market rallied for the second time in less than a week, with the market becoming increasingly stressed by the possibility of strikes in Australia at companies that operate almost 10% of global LNG. Although Europe is not a regular buyer of LNG, the shock comes from competition with Asia for supplies and with the winter season approaching.


UK inflation falls sharply (6.8% vs. 7.9%) but core remains at 6.9%

Bankinter: July CPI slows down sharply, although core is still holding at 6.9% – CPI (July): +6.8% year-on-year vs. +6.7% expected +7.9% previously. Over the month: -0.4% month-on-month vs. -0.5% expected and +0.1% previous. Underlying: +6.9% year-on-year vs. +6.8% expected and +6.9% previously. Assessment: Inflation slowed significantly in July, in the first month with month-on-month falls in price levels since January. Of note are the falls in Housing (-4.1% month-on-month)…

Europa chinchetas

Eurozone returns to growth in second quarter, GDP rises by 0.3%

CdM| After a first quarter in which the economy showed no progress, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the eurozone recorded growth of 0.3% in the second quarter, according to the preliminary estimate published by Eurostat, the EU’s statistics office. Compared with the same quarter of the previous year, seasonally adjusted GDP increased by 0.6% in the euro zone. For its part, in the European Union (EU) as a whole,…

Iberdrola Guggenheim

Iberdrola launches Carbon2Nature to develop high-impact nature-based solutions projects

Alphavalue/DIVACONS| The Spanish utility company has launched Carbon2Nature (C2N) with the aim of developing high-impact nature-based solutions projects that reduce the global carbon footprint, improve biodiversity and promote a sustainable economy, the energy company said. Iberdrola said the company was born out of the conviction that investing in nature is “essential to act against the climate and diversity crisis, while at the same time acting as a formula for creating…


Aena figures again exceed 2019 figures in July: 29.76 million passengers

Renta 4| Traffic figures for July exceed the figures recorded in 2019, after a month of June which for the first time in 2023 were below pre-pandemic levels, although these levels are below our forecasts, thus complicating the possibility of reaching the forecasts of 3% above 2019 for the year as a whole. Specifically, 29.76 million passengers were reached, equivalent to 101.2% compared to the same month in 2019, thanks…

Country Garden copia

China’s largest developer, Country Garden, may have defaulted on two bond coupons over the weekend

Bankinter| China’s largest developer, Country Garden, may have defaulted on two bonds over the weekend. Its size is four times that of Evergrande. On the other hand, Chinese asset manager Zhongrong International may not have repaid capital and coupons on some of its real estate vehicles. Assessment: Bad news, which once again puts the Chinese real estate sector in check and is a consequence of the government’s scant measures to…

ACS Cimic

ACS awarded €353 million contract to upgrade infrastructure at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska

Intermoney| ACS (ACS) (Buy, Target Price €40/share), through its North American subsidiary Turner, has been awarded a €353-million contract to upgrade the infrastructure of Offutt Air Force Base, in Nebraska. The work is aimed at improving the infrastructure at Offutt Air Force Base, located near Omaha in the state of Nebraska, in preparation for future flooding, after the facility suffered a flooding catastrophe in March 2019. A number of units…

ferrovial texas lbj

Ferrovial completes financing for expansion of North Tarrant toll road in Texas for almost €378 million

Link Securities | Ferrovial (FER) has completed the financing of the expansion of the North Tarrant Express (NTE) toll road in Texas (United States), for a total of 414 million dollars (almost 378 million euros), according to elConfidencial. According to a statement issued by the Spanish company on Friday, the transaction was carried out through the NTE Mobility Partners consortium, led by its subsidiary Cintra (62.9% stake), and within the…

reino unido

UK GDP rises +0.4% driven mainly by higher public spending

Bankinter: GDP (year-on-year) rises +0.4% vs +0.2% estimated and previous. Quarter-on-quarter +0.2% vs 0% estimated and +0.1% previous. Assessment: GDP growth surprises positively, although it is mainly driven by the higher contribution of Public Spending (+3.1% against – 1.8% previously). There is also a reactivation of Private Consumption (+0.7% against 0% estimated and previous), which is also reflected in Imports (+1.0% against -3.8% previous). Exports fall, but with less intensity…