In Europe


Twitter’s bird makes its nest in Spain

Like other American tech giants such as Facebook, Google or Microsoft, Spain is the new gate for Twitter’s international expansion… although all of them go to Ireland to pay taxes.

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France’s German Mirror

Project Syndicate | By In the mirror of Germany, the French must ask themselves fundamental questions. Have they made the right choices in terms of leaders and policies in recent decades?


IIF: “The era of European solidarity is over”

WASHINGTON | “Investors would be well advised to see the outcome of Cyprus both as a reflection of how future stresses will be handled, and a reminder that efforts to shift the liabilities associated with legacy bad bank assets.”


Uneven fiscal consolidation in the eurozone

BARCELONA | By CaixaBank analysts | It is expected that, in some cases such as Spain or France, the European Commission will ease the extent of fiscal consolidation required over the coming years.

Cyprus bailout1

Not your fault, Cypriots? | By  | Greedy banks, the EU or Angela Merkel: The search for the culprit in Cyprus is running along the usual fault lines of the euro crisis. But do individuals not share in the responsibility for the mistakes of their society? That would mean the Cypriots would have to give up some of their savings deposits.

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Cyprus lose-lose plight

So long stiff capital control measures are in place the economy will enter into a free-fall. But as soon as they are lifted, the run on accounts might likely lead to a banking collapse.