World economy

bank of japan

BoJ Preview: To further adjust policy as early as June even with glass half full

Alicia García Herrero (Natixis) | Recently, the virtuous circle between wages and inflation has begun to strengthen. Following the highest wage hike in the past thirty-three years at the spring wage negotiation, nominal base wage surprised on the upside by rising +2.3% year-on-year in April, the largest increase since July ’94. Furthermore, with inflation expectations remaining above 2%, corporate service prices also picked up by +2.8% year-on-year in April. On…

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S&P 500 CEOs earn 200 times more than their employees in 2023

Emisores | Senior executives at S&P 500 index companies earned a total salary package in 2023 that was 13% higher than in the previous year, according to an analysis by Associated Press based on data from Equilar. For CEOs, the rise was 12.6%, to an average annual total compensation of $16.3 million – the equivalent of €14.99 million – which was 200 times more than the average salary earned by…


Increasingly clearer landing for US economy: 2Q24 started April with nominal growth of +0.2% but negative real growth of -0.1%.

Santander Research: After a first quarter of surprisingly strong economic data and inflation, April seems to be a slowdown, as indicated by our economists. And that starts with payrolls (175k) and, above all, consumption slowing down, from the explosive +3% growth of 3Q23 and 4Q23 to +2% in 1Q24 after revisions. And what is even clearer, 2Q24 started with April’s nominal growth of +0.2% and even negative in real terms,…

china shipping

Financial outflow-driven RMB will not help correct China’s external imbalance

Alicia García Herrero (Natixis) | Since the trade war, and in particular after the imposition of US tariffs on China’s electric vehicles and solar panels, market observers have been speculating whether the PBoC will allow further depreciation of the yuan to counteract the impact. The latest RMB movement seems to indicate that this is the case, but the actual situation is more complex than it appears at first glance.The experience…

acerinox industria acero

Acerinox ceases activity at Malaysian factory and changes model in Cadiz as prices unsustainable due to Chinese overproduction

Intermoney | The company informed the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) yesterday, with the market closed, the cessation of activity in the factory of Bahru Stainless (Malaysia) and the change in the operation model in the factory of Acerinox Europe, located in Cadiz. Regarding the Malaysian factory, Acerinox has already informed its Asian customers about the cessation and has assured that the supply to these customers will be made, from…


New Zealand: Housing market defying headwinds from higher interest rates

Alicia García Herrero (Natixis) | As the Reserve Bank of New Zealand (RBNZ) hiked aggressively to contain surging inflation, the New Zealand economy fell into a technical recession in 2023. While the recovery in exports has offset the weakness in housing investments, private consumption has softened on the back of households’ higher interest payments. Nevertheless, because inflation was still elevated at +4.0% year-on-year in Q1-24, well above the 1-3% target…

shangai towers

Shanghai government lowers compulsory down payment and mortgage interest rate to support real estate sector

Bankinter| The Shanghai local government has approved measures to support the real estate sector: it is reducing the amount of the mandatory down payment and the interest rate on mortgages. The measure is expected to be extended to other cities such as Beijing and Shenzhen. The down payment required from buyers is reduced by 10% to 20% of the property value for first home buyers and up to 30% for…


Lower current account deficit shields India from external shocks and future success hinges on sustaining it

Trinh D. Nguyen (Natixis) | India’s nominal GDP rose to $3.5 trillion by 2022, raising its global share by one percentage point to 3.5% and GDP per capita by 64% to 2,500 in the past decade. But diverging from its past, the current account deficit (CAD) narrowed from -3.5% of GDP to -1%, on average. The Indian economy grew more than expected, pushed by higher government infrastructure spending and household…

china tecnología

China launches third phase of the $47.5 billion “Big Fund” for semiconductor development

Banca March | China has launched the third phase of the “Big Fund”, amounting to 344 billion yuan ($47.5 billion) dedicated to the development of semiconductors. This phase brings together the largest amount of the three phases: the first phase of 138.7 billion yuan in 2014 and the second phase of 204 billion yuan in 2019. The aim of this fund is to build an independent supply chain, after years…

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Sacyr and OHLA among shortlisted bidders in tender for toll road concession in Peru with €950m investment

Link Securities | Sacyr (SCYR) and OHLA (OHLA), together with five other rivals, have been shortlisted in a tender in Peru for a toll road concession that will require an investment of $1,026 million (around €950 million). This is the “Longitudinal de la Sierra Tramo 4” project, which includes the design, financing, construction, operation and maintenance of 965 kilometres of toll roads over a concession period of 25 years. The…