

Bankinter complies with binding MREL of 20.31% of total risk exposure and 6.39% of leverage ratio exposure

Link Securities | The Bank of Spain (BdE) has informed Bankinter that the Single Resolution Board, as the group’s resolution authority, has taken a decision determining the minimum requirement for Total and Subordinated own funds and eligible liabilities (MREL) for Bankinter. This decision sets a binding total MREL requirement, to be met as from its notification, at the consolidated level, of 20.31% of the Total Risk Exposure Amount (TREA) and…


JPMorgan Chase overtakes Fidelity in Bankinter’s shareholding with emergence of stake of more than 3%

Link Securities | JPMorgan Chase has emerged with a stake of more than 3% in Bankinter, as reflected in the records of the National Securities Market Commission (CNMV). Specifically, the US bank holds a 3.019% stake in the bank, of which 1.947% is a direct holding and another 1.072% through financial instruments. The bank thus surpasses Fidelity, which holds 2.83%, and is slightly below Lazard, with 3.032% of the…


Bankinter: 2Q24 First Take – Sequential NII growth a surprising beat vs. consensus

Jefferies | 3% PBT beat vs. consensus in 2Q24, driven by better NII, fees and costs, only offset by a small miss on impairments. The print confirms NII trends are still positive, with 1% quarter-on-quarter growth (while cons was expecting a step down), as margin dynamics still prove supportive (cost of deposits flat in the Q). Costs were 1% lighter than cons. and trending better than the LSD-MSD year-on-year growth…


Bankinter: 1Q24 First Take – Slight beat versus consensus, NII dynamics supportive

Jefferies Equity Research| 4% PBT beat versus consensus in 1Q 24, driven by better income and costs, only offset by a small miss on impairments. The print confirms NII trends are still positive (up 1% quarter-on-quarter), despite flat growth, but margin dynamics proving supportive (cost of deposits only up 3bp quarter-on-quarter, likely at peak). Costs were 3% lighter than consensus and trending better than the LSD-MSD year-on-year growth guidance provided…


Bank of America regains 5.32% stake in Bankinter

Link Securities| Bank of America has raised its stake in Bankinter’s capital back to 5.32%, after reducing it to zero at the end of March, according to National Securities Market Commission (CNMV) records, Expansión reports today. The US bank clarifies that it has notified this stake because it has exceeded the exemptions provided by law and has specified that the purchases are not made on its own behalf, but on…


S&P understands that the preferred means of resolution for Spanish mid-size banks is the sale of all their business

Santander Corporate & Research | On Friday, S&P changed their ratings for several of the mid-sized Spanish banks. On the one hand, the ratings agency revised its view on resolution strategies for the mid-sized lenders. It indicated that it now thinks the authorities’ preferred means of resolution for banks of this size is the sale of its entire activity. S&P indicates it “has gained visibility on this means of resolution…


Only Bankinter Exceeds The Average Capital Ratio Of European Banks, 11.2% Compared To 10.2%

Banca March | European banks have passed the stress tests with good marks. In Spain, the ratio is slightly below the average, at 8.95%. Of the four domestic institutions analyzed, only Bankinter with a ratio of 11.2% exceeded the European average. Santander’s ratio was 9.3% and BBVA’s was 8.7%. The worst performance was that of Banco Sabadell with a ratio of 6.5%, ahead only of Italy’s Monte dei Paschi and HSBC.


Bankinter And Its 20% “Super Dividend”: 1 Share of Línea Directa For Every Bank Share You Own

T.C. | Línea Directa Aseguradora (LDA) will finally be listed on the Spanish stock exchange on 29 April at a price of 1,317 euros per share, which means valuing the company at 1,434 million. Bankinter, the bank that owns the insurer, will hold 17.4% of the company and will give its shareholders one LDA share for each Bankinter share held on 28 April, the last day to take part in the operation.


Bankinter Q119: credit portfolio continues to increase profitability

Renta4 | Q119 results are below our estimates across the whole account: -3% in interest margins; -4% in gross profits; -2% in net margin for lower operational costs than expected and -4% in net profits. Compared to the consensus, slightly below in interest margins and gross profits (-1% in both cases), and 1% above in net margins and net profits.

Bankinter's profits increased by 7% in the first nine months of the year

Bankinter Lists At The Most Demanding PER In Spanish Banking Sector

Bankinter has been the first Spanish bank to publish its results. The bank´s shares have risen a modest 0.11% despite the good evolution of its business in the first nine months of the year. In this period profits increased by 7%, its ROE increased to 13.0 and its non- performing assets improved to 3.2%.