black friday sales

black friday 2018

Black Friday balance: online spending up 9% to $16.4bn in US, and 8% to $70.9bn globally

Bankinter: According to Salesforce, which aggregates data from retailers’ websites, online spending amounted to $16.4bn in the US (+9%); $70.9bn globally (+8%). Average discounts were 30%. Mastercard estimates that online retail was up +8.5% in the US and +1% in physical shops. According to Adobe Analytics, online spending reached $9,800Bn (+7.5%) vs. $9,600Bn estimated. On Thanksgiving, according to the same source, online sales were $5.6 billion (+5.5%), in line with…

black friday 2018

Black Friday: $60 Bn In Sales From Thursday To Sunday, Which Means 6% Rise Over 2017 Same Period

The first figures on the purchase by consumers on Black Friday and the last weekend show significant strength in private consumption. The data published by the firm Customer Growth Customers should be highlighted, which shows that between Thursday and Sunday some 60 billion dollars of products were sold in the US through different sales channels, which represents a 6% increase over the same period last year.

Black Friday in the US

Black Friday 2016: A Year Of Record Sales

This coming Friday November 25th is celebrated throughout the world as Black Friday. The name originated in the United States in the 1960s and refers to the shopping day after Thanksgiving. The first estimates on pre-Christmas sales (Black Friday and Cyber Monday) point to a record season this year.