
Spain Is Not Up For Any Rally

The Spanish bourse was the worst performer in Europe in 2015. But it is not yet ready for a rally. According to influential Anglo Saxon newspapers there are some extremely negative and toxic elements in Spain with regard to regulated sectors following the December 20 elections. These could affect the risk premium and the risk-free rate etc, with the consequence negative impact on companies’ WACC and valuations.

Carlos Fernández

“Listed companies provide a lot of useless information which only confuses investors”

MADRID | June 22, 2015 | By Fernando Barciela | Member of the board at Spanish stock market operator BME since 2014, Carlos Fernández is the current ombudsman of the Madrid Stock Exchange. In the first part of this interview he spoke to The Corner about conflicts of interest in the auditing world –”Somehow regulators are the ones who should be regulated,”– and the excess of complex information that investors face.

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Spanish Stock Exchange’s trading volume grows by 49.8%

MADRID | By Julia Pastor | The operator of all Spain’s stock markets and financial systems BME has a couple of good reasons to celebrate. The company’s trading volume increased by 49.8% on a y-o-y basis to €72.2 bn in May, as the so-called Tobin tax on foreign exchange transactions has recently been postponed by 2016. This tax could cut BME’s volume by near 10%.


Tobin tax to have a 10% impact on Spanish equity trading volume (ACF)

MADRID | By Jaime Santisteban | Tobin tax will be in place the beginning of 2016 at the latest despite the UK’s finance industry heavyweight challenge. The Spanish government called it a sensible and cautious measure. Crucial questions such as the level of tax or how to levy are still in the air. 

Spanish stock exchange trades +30pc in October

MADRID | By The Corner Team | The Spanish market’s activity is reviving: after the continued rally of last weeks, the stock exchange reached a monthly historic record in its number of negotiations and traded 30% more than October 2012 –the highest figure in the last 27 months.

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Thursday’s chart: Spanish stock market operator data better than expectations

Financial analysts in Madrid warned that a ban on short selling would depress trading volumes even further while solving very little in terms of investor confidence recovery. At The Corner, we faithfully reported their disappointment with the authorities, whose small sticking plasters of policies would leave structural problems untouched, in most experts’ opinion. In the short term, though, there was something to look forward to. “Bankinter Broker and Afi experts gave…

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Bolsas y Mercados’ equity trading up in April, but drop in corporate debt volume

MADRID | Bolsas y Mercados Españoles BME, the operator of all stock markets and financial systems in Spain, said Thursday that equity trading volume on the Spanish stock exchange in April had reached €65.75 billion. This is an increase of 7.25% from the previous month but 19% down on the same period in 2011. The trading volume for the first four months totaled €242.70 billion, down 26% from the same period…


Ibex35 outperforms Stoxx50 by 1.8% in March

MADRID | Equity trading in Bolsas y Mercados Españoles BME dropped by 25% year on year in March. Total equity volume traded reached €176.935 billion during the first quarter of 2012, which represents a 28.5% fall, too. But analysts at Bankia Bolsa say we should put things in context before letting ourselves go with the flow of hopelessness that has lately surrounded everything economic and Spanish. Where is the key…


Capital Madrid: “resuming short-sales could increase trade of financials by 16%”

 By Julia Pastor, in Madrid | The Spanish stock market fell Thursday by 2%, specially because of the severe punishment suffered by its listed banks. On Friday, analysts at Link Securities commented that “as good news came from Greece, European financial shares were regaining ground but Spanish banks behaved differently… we see that the only reason that explain this fact is the end of the short- selling veto.” After France and…