
Brexit campaingning

Brexit: A Harder Blow For Europe Than For The UK

I said it a short time ago: the institutional campaign against the UK referendum on June 23rd has been embarrassing. From Her Majesty’s government to that of the EU, the Bank of England (clearly overstepping its line of duty), and including the vailed threats that the world was going to end and Great Britain would fall into a chasm in history.

Brexit chula

Post Brexit Negotiations Will Be Both Noisy And Prolonged

Natixis AM | The upcoming UK referendum on EU membership appears to be a knife’s edge contest. Although financial markets have already felt some impact, if the vote produces an “out” result, global markets face additional turbulence this summer.


Brexit Debate Warms Up

Multinationals such as Airbus or Aviva Investors are arguing in favour of the ‘In’ vote, warning that a possible Brexit would push the UK into recession before year-end.

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Brexit: The Cynical And Dangerous Taste For Referendums

Time is moving on. After the more than satisfactory agreement reached by Prime Minister David Cameron after renegotiating the UK’s relationship with the European Union, the countdown to the June 23rd referendum has begun. And as happened with the Scottish referendum, the British government is ready to bring out all the big guns.

UBS forecasts

UK Budget: Deja-Vu, All Over Again

The Chancellor’s latest Budget saw the cumulative forecast for government borrowing over the next five years revised up by close to GBP 40bn. This reflects both weaker cyclical growth and also the Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) taking a gloomier view on UK trend productivity growth.

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Brexit Is A Matter Of Psychology

Brexit supporters do not need to make any noise. They have been decades using the EU as a scapegoat for their problems of excessive regulation, arbitrary taxation, lack of transparency… Now it’s Cameron who must prove the opposite.

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The EU as Great Britain’s tailor

Great Britain’s exit from the European Union could be the straw that breaks Europe’s back. So heads of state and government have worked hard on devising a new tailor-made suit for the UK.

Brexit needs scope and time for creative thinking

The UK’s Twin Deficits, The Budget And Brexit

UBS |  The focus in the Brexit debate is often on the UK’s relatively large current account deficit. This is understandable, as a period in which Foreign Direct Investment was harder for the UK to attract in a post-Brexit world would likely imply the current account would need to correct.