
Spanish PSOE

The disappearance of Spain’s PSOE party

The PSOE, which governed during two terms of office with an atypical leader, Zapatero, is now so disorientated that it’s suffocating and looking to leftism for some air without any basis. It’s on the point of taking Pablo Iglesias’ bait, that a Grand Coalition against Rajoy is possible.

pablo alberto

Changing Spain

The extreme left-wing manifesto issued by the Podemos-IU coalition aims, in earnest, to completely change Spain. And it would endow it with a Third World country status. By promising to secure a minimum income close to the current average wage, who on earth would put up with the hardship of working all day long?


Spain Needs More Than Just A Cabinet In Office

The political parties in Spain seemed unwilling to break the deadlock one month after the general elections had taken place. Then there was a dramatic emergence from the doldrums last Friday, when Podemos made a surprise call for a left-wing coalition headed by the Socialists.

elecciones generales

No one has won in Spain

JM Martí Font via Macropolis | Spain is not Portugal, although we cannot completely rule it out. Brussels and Frankfurt want Spain to look like Germany. A grosse coalition will reassure the markets, guarantee the prevalence of budgetary orthodoxy and, on the surface, maintain at least the status quo, something very important to the European institutions, the financial powers and the European political class who doesn’t like changes.

Congreso Diputados

Spain: On the verge of new round of elections

Fernando G. Urbaneja | One of the values of Spain’s democracy over the last forty years has been left behind following the general elections: namely, political stability. Now the Spanish political scenario resembles more that of Belgium than Germany. The results obtained on December 20th have disappointed all parties’ expectations for putting together a parliamentary model, leaving all the hipotheses on how to form a stable government in the dark.


Portugal: Conservative Coalition Likely To Stay In Power (And Ensure Solvency)

BARCLAYS | The results of the general election in Portugal came in broadly in line with recent polls: the PSD/CDS conservative coalition, currently in government, won again with 38,5% of the vote, but it fell short of an absolute majority of seats in parliament. Political instability could potentially also result in early elections after one year.

Angie II

Europe waits for Merkel

MADRID|Rafael Poch at La Vanguardia via Presseurop|At the start of her new mandate, Angela Merkel is putting the emphasis on Europe. And, as always, Europeans are expecting a lot from her. Will she go down in history as one of the great chancellors? It all depends on what happens in Europe.

germany can longer serve as a model to Europe

Germany can no longer serve as an example to Europe

BERLIN | By Presseurop| The contract for a new grand coalition government between Angela Merkel’s Christian democrats and the Social Democratic Party, which was presented on November 27, has not met with much enthusiasm in the German press. For some, the long-awaited deal is too generous to the left, while others argue that it fails to take into account the interests of Europe.

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Prime minister Cameron has upset UK’s millionaires, says Skandia

LONDON | Discontent about the government’s economic policies fuels a desire to leave Britain among millionaires, whose confidence in the coalition cabinet’s economic policies is falling as their finances suffer. Just under half the UK’s millionaires, according to a research published Monday by investment specialist Skandia, would set home somewhere else. Graham Bentley, Skandia UK’s head of investment strategy, echoed the wealthiest’s mute threat, accusing primer minister David Cameron of aping…