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Europe and the Greek crisis: Will the real men of unity please stand up?

ATHENS | March 12, 2015 | By Nick Malkoutzis via MacroPolisAt first it seemed like a harmless joke. “And now for one member state, all the men need to take off their ties,” said European Commission first vice-president Frans Timmermans at the end of a recent photo shoot for the College of Commissioners in Brussels. After all, the Greek government’s penchant for not wearing ties has been the cause of lightheartedness from the moment SYRIZA came to power. 



Who can blame Greek voters?

By Benjamin Cole via HistorinhasThe unemployment in Greece is 25 percent. The Greek economy has shrunk by 29% since 2009. That is a full-blown economic depression, an outright failure of macroeconomic policy.


Syriza’s victory: Greeks reject Europe’s recipe but they need Brussels’ support

MADRID | By JP Marín Arrese | The landslide victory snatched by leftwing Syriza plus the sizeable score recorded by parties opposed to the austerity measures represents a challenge to Europe’s orthodoxy in addressing real adjustment. Greek voters have voiced their rebuke to policies encompassing significant sacrifices but failing to redress a dismal economic record. Scrapping key elements of the welfare state and imposing harsh conditions on citizens has resulted in widespread poverty. In addition, the sentiment the troika was running the country has infuriated many of those going to the polls on Sunday. For all the popular support received, Tsipras faces a  formidable challenge ahead in delivering his election promises.

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What next Greece?

By Gabriel Sterne via MacroPolisIt is easier to write down big questions on Greece’s future; harder to answer them: (1)   Will Syriza win with an overall majority?; (2)   Will a new programme be agreed in time?; (3)   To what extent will it stay on track?; (4)   How much additional debt relief and financing will the Troika give to Greece, and in what circumstances?; (5)   If and when the wheels come off the programme, is an exit inevitable? Would it be managed or chaotic? One thing we can be sure about though. The scene is set for a political showdown, the likes of which the Euro-crisis has not yet seen.

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Why is Europe worrying about SYRIZA?

PARIS | By Francesco Saraceno via MacroPolis | It is most likely that from the elections of January 25 will emerge a SYRIZA-led government, the main uncertainty being how large a coalition Alexis Tsipras will have to gather to obtain a comfortable parliamentary majority. This is seen with a fair deal of preoccupation in Europe. A preoccupation that does not seem warranted. SYRIZA is no longer the radical party of the beginning, which called for the exit from the euro and for a default on Greek public debt. 

A man walks past a pre-election poster of the Democratic Alliance party at a bus station in Athens

“If Syriza wants to obtain a better deal from Greece’s lenders, it will have to offer something in return”

MADRID | By Ana Fuentes | The possibility that leftist party SYRIZA wins next Greece’s elections on January 25th is hitting the European markets since this may involve a new kind of arrangement with Brussels about the country’s bailout and the precautionary line. According to Greek journalist at Macropolis, Nick Malkoutzis, “if the party offers structural reforms that would clean up Greek politics, improve tax collection and make the public administration more efficient, the Eurozone might be prepared to listen to what SYRIZA has to say”.

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Eurozone’s plight

MADRID | By JP Marín ArreseOnce again, Greece has ignited the flame of instability in the Eurozone. The prospect of early elections coupled with the left-wing party´s scores in the polls has resulted in severe shock-waves hitting other South-Med countries. The promised debt default by the better placed candidate in this race stands as a formidable threat to Europe. What happens in this relatively small country is bound to hit all of us. Confidence in sovereigns will dramatically fall while financials will also bear the brunt. 

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Greece: The one question Syriza needs to answer

ATHENS | By Yiannis Mouzakis via  MacroPolisWith the coalition in Greece getting only 160 votes for its presidential candidate in the first ballot, falling short even of the most conservative estimate, based on the currently available information it seems that the number of deputies that will vote in favour in the third round on December 29th will not reach the minimum 180 required.

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Tsipras starts to flesh out SYRIZA’s economic policy but questions remain

ATHENS | Via Macropolis | In a much-anticipated speech, SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras unveiled the main pillars of his party’s economic policy platform on Saturday, focusing on debt relief from the eurozone, the use of European Union funds to boost employment, a reduction in taxes and an increase of wages and pensions.