In Spain

spain foreign policy

The Spanish economy surprises the most optimistic

Oriol Aspachs (Caixabank Research) | Everything pointed to the Spanish economy’s growth rate continuing to be vigorous, as we have been pointing out in the pages of the CaixaBank Research Monthly Report over the last few months. Job creation shows no signs of slowing down and, in fact, accelerated in Q1 of the year. Business activity indicators have picked up, both in the services sector and in industry. Industrial production…

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iberdrola megachuli

Two largest international proxy advisors recommend voting in favour of all items Iberdrola submits to AGM

Alphavalue/DIVACONS | The two largest international proxy advisors, ISS and Glass Lewis, recommend voting in favour of all the items that Iberdrola (IBE) will submit to its General Shareholders’ Meeting, to be held on 17 May. Specifically, both US voting advisors, which have a share of more than 70% in advising large investors, such as fund managers, pension funds and insurance companies, advise the more than 600,000 shareholders of the…