Articles by Miguel Navascués

About the Author

Miguel Navascués
Miguel Navascués has worked as an economist at the Bank of Spain for 30 years, and focuses on international and monetary economics. He blogs in Spanish at: http://

Could Le Pen give into pressure from EU?inside and outside Europe to renounce her goal of getting rid of the euro?

The Day Tsipras Betrayed His People. Would Le Pen Do The Same?

After 2015′ s Greece referendum, Tsipras got an attack of the jitters, a possible coup d’etat was insinuated, so he decided to turn the sense of the referendum around, giving in unconditionally to the demands of the Brussels bureaucrats. If Marine Le Pen were to win the second round of Sunday’s French elections, would she give into pressure from inside and outside Europe to renounce her goal of getting rid of the euro?

Four resignations in the cabinet of Theresa May are jeopardizing the Brexit deal agreement

Theresa May’s Master Stroke With June 8 General Election Call

UK Prime Minister Theresa May’s call for a general election on June 8 is a very important coup for the Brexit process. It assumes these elections will allow her to bring together a lot of favourable intent, when the opposition is trying to find itself. With her majority reinforced, she will be in a stronger position to negotiate the Brexit deal.


Should Capitalism Grow Constantly? Innovation Is Key

Capitalism – or in fact any economy, if an alternative exists – should grow constantly, although not necessarily in quantity. It’s not so much about making a larger amount of exactly the same products and services, but about innovating and producing new goods and services at a lower cost.

US savings rates are deteriorating

Selectiveness Amongst Companies And The Salary Differential

In the US and other parts of the world a phenomenon has occurred which partly explains the differences in income: the different levels of success which different companies have. But it seems that companies were more uniform in the past. The salary differential happened within a company and could be translated into expectations of promotion or a better job like in the age of the “American dream”.