Articles by The Corner

About the Author

The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.
euro-dollar relationship

How Does The Euro Fit In The Currency Puzzle?

Where the euro may go in 2018 is such a central question and will have implications for global asset markets around the world. Christopher Gannatti, head of research at Wisdom Tree, thinks that “forecasting currencies is very much like putting together a puzzle”, at times requiring just as much art as data.

The transition probabilities of Brexit

Transition Probabilities For UK: Hard Brexit Only 10%

What will happen? Is the debate more economic or political? What probability is there that in the end there is no Brexit? According to the economist oat Morgan Stanley in the UK, former Treasury Secretary of Tony Blair, there is a 60% chance of a soft Brexit or “partial integration of the UK in the EU”.

de globalization

Countries Rotate At Trump’s Rhythm

The performance rating of countries for the last month demonstrates the concerns of investors about the price to be paid for a de-globalization of the world by those countries whose companies focus on exports. Alphavalue offers a ranking of these countries according to its coverage


Total Enters The Gas And Light Business In Spain

The French company Total has burst in to the race launched in Spain by the oil companies to offer electricity and gas services to all kinds of clients, in direct competition with the big electricity and gas companies like Endesa, Iberdrola and Naturgy.

Carbon emissions

Carbon Capture: A Bold Solution or Pipe Dream?

Craig Moran | Could a new carbon-capture technology really provide a viable approach to reversing the effects of climate change? That’s the ambitious claim of British Columbia-based tech company, Carbon Engineering, in a peer-reviewed paper that posits a methodology for capturing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere before combining it with hydrogen to create a carbon-neutral fuel.


BBVA Will Continue To Suffer Because Of Deterioration In Turkey

Turkish President Erdogan has began to exercise his new “attributes”, recently provided by an ever more authoritarian political system, in relation to the monetary policy of the central bank by affirming informally that interest rates will be lowered. This weakened the Turkish Lira from 4.66/$ to 4.85/$ (although it layered recovered to 4.82/$). This had a negative impact on the share price of BBVA, which holds 49.85% in the Turkish bank Garantí.