

Gamesa’s timely merger

Eight months ago Carax-Alphavalue held the view that Gamesa was fully priced ahead of it falling into the Siemens bag. This opinion proved correct only for the following two months. Another six months on and the Spanish wind-turbine manufacturer is looking decidedly expensive at €21.5, even though they have upgraded their target price on the back of a strong 2016 delivery.

Axiare performance

Spanish Small & Midcaps: Axiare

José Benito de Vega | Axiare has outperformed the other listed Socimis, as well as the IBEX-35 since it made its market debut in July 2014. The rise in the company’s NAV per share has reflected this upbeat trend, increasing over 30% in three years.

Indra's digital transformation unit Minsait

Indra Gives Boost To European Laboratory For Smart Cities

Indra’s digital transformation unit Minsait is giving a new boost to the construction of solutions with great innovative content in the realm of smart cities through its participation in the European R&D program Smart Cyber Physical Systems Engineering (CPSE) Labs.

Gestamp third quarter results

Gestamp to list 27% of capital on Spanish bourse on April 7

Spanish automotives parts’ manufacturer Gestamp will make its stock market listing on April 7. The preliminary price range is 5,60-6,70 euros, which values the company at 3.540 billion euros at the middle range. The operation will be positive for the Spanish bourse, where there are not a lot of industrial companies.


Family owned

“Family Owned” More Convincing

Analysts at Carax- Alphavalue have been holding sceptical views as a rule about the benefits of holding stakes in companies held by families or under their influence. However they may have to change their mind thanks to a couple of charts of the relative performance of a universe made of 104 stocks tagged as “under family influence”. They hence provides a list of “family” stocks with a significant upside potential, which includes Spanish Corporación Financiera Alba ranking first, and Acciona fourth.

NAFTA negotiations

After NAFTA: New Trade Opportunities for Mexico

Daniel Kapellmann | Whereas it took some 10 years to negotiate and enforce a mechanism to strengthen commercial bonds between Canada, the United States and Mexico, today, after 23 years in existence, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) may be overrun in just a couple of months.