
iberdrola megachuli

Iberdrola reduces debt maturities in 2023 to less than €2 billion

Link Securities | Iberdrola (IBE) has reduced its debt maturities in 2023 to less than €2 billion, after obtaining €4.855 billion in new financing and extending the duration of €6.1 billion so far this year, as reported on Monday by Expansión newspaper based on Europa Press. Specifically, the electricity company has received the support of the market, having executed some 30 operations between loan extensions and new financing in the…

bancos financiacion recurso

European bank trade still has upside: at 7x P/E it still trades at 50% discount to the market

Morgan Stanley: 100% of the sector has beaten NII so far, still a clear buy. Álvaro Serrano (analyst) highlights another quarter of solid results from European banks with 100% beating NII (rising rates and lower deposit betas) and contained credit risk. That said, the good results and the lack of growth in RWAs allowed banks to boost shareholder distributions with several of them (CABK, DBK, HSBC, BARC…) announcing new buyback…


Zoom, the return of a company that is not the same as it was in 2019

Renta 4: The price reacts from levels of $60, historical lows of the stock during 2019, before emerging on the upside with the lockdowns of the pandemic. Although the stock is at the same levels as then, the company’s figures have nothing to do with those of that time, for example it has more than $5 billion, 25% of its capitalisation, in cash, without debt. In the short term it…

Brasserie servicios

Surprise bounce in services flash PMIs in France and Germany means new dilemma for ECB

Santander Corporate & Investment’s flash services PMIs released this morning will once again be a headache for the ECB, as they show an unexpectedly strong rebound in France at a delicate time of rallies (56.3, 53.5e, 53.9p). But also in Germany (55.7, 53.4e, 53.7p). And at a time when services inflation remains one of the real workhorses as our economists recalled after the release of the final March figure a…

bolsa espana reloj

Ibex 35 closes week at 9,415 points after dropping 0.37% on Friday

Nicolás López (Singular Bank) | Friday’s session closed in Europe with a mixed tone and slight variations in the main stock market indices. After the rises of the last few weeks, which have brought the indices back to their highs before the banking crisis, investors have been cautious in general as they wait for new references. In particular, the results season that has just started and the central banks’ meetings…

eeuu supermercado consumo

Market discounts further moderation in US headline CPI but indicates rebound in underlying

Renta 4 : European stock markets open almost flat (Eurostoxx futures -0.2%, S&P futures 0%), on a day in which the main reference will be the US March inflation data (2:30pm). The market expects further moderation in headline CPI (5.1%e vs 6% year-on-year), but a rebound in core CPI (5.6%e vs 5.5% previously) after five consecutive months of decline from a peak of 6.6%. We will see its impact on…

Market discounts ECB cut in deposit rate

Fixed income: rising nominal yields should push up real yields

Deutsche Bank : The recent credit event in the US banking sector has caused considerable uncertainty about the outlook for policy rates. However, financial authorities have reacted strongly. In addition, the US labour market remains solid and inflation is becoming entrenched. In our view, this continues to justify a “higher for longer” official rate outlook. Although two-year US Treasury yields are falling from their cycle high, they remain, along with…

MUJERES CEO 768x442 1

Only 3% of Ibex 35 companies have female CEOs

F.R. | Ibex 35 companies have only 3% female CEOs, 9% female board chairwomen and 19% female presence in senior management, according to the Barometer of Gender Diversity in Governing Bodies in Europe, based on the analysis of the main stock market indicators of 16 European markets and the Stoxx600 as of January 1st this year, carried out by ecoDa, the European Federation of Directors’ Organisations to which the Spanish…

bce sede nueva

Latest ECB Minutes show significant support for +50 b.p. hike to 2.5% (deposit rate)

Yields 4: European markets open higher (Eurostoxx futures +0.5%, S&P futures -0.1%) after a session of less to more on Wall Street, and on a day in which the most relevant will be the ISM services report in the US, which could fall in February (54.5e and 55.2 previously), and where the main focus will be on its price component, with upside risk after the strong rebound seen in the…


Senate votes today on new Securities Market Law, CNMV also looks at approving Investors Code

F.R. | The plenary session of the Senate is scheduled to debate and vote on the draft Securities Markets and Investment Services Act by urgent procedure. It is expected that the new regulation will be approved without major changes to the text published last September in the Official Gazette of the Spanish Parliament (BOCG). According to the sources consulted, the bill could return to Congress for examination and approval of…