In Spain

Bank of Spain

The “Abrasive” Banking Regulation In Spain

In the last six years, the Spanish banking sector’s return on equity (ROE) has fallen by 6.8 percentage points from 12.1% to 5.3%, mainly due to increased capital requirements. But the drop would have been even greater if it had not been for the ECB’s policies. This ROE data coincides with a complaint from Banco Popular chairman, Angel Ron, who said the regulation affecting the financial industry is “abrasive.”

What Spain's labour market recruitment data hides

Rajoy’s Rivals Try To Downgrade Spain’s Success In Creating Jobs

Fernando Barciela | Spanish unemployment fell again in November, reversing a three-month upward trend. Last month, 27,000 fewer people were registered as jobless than in October, taking the total number of unemployed to 4.15 million. This is good news, given that at the peak of Spain’s economic crisis, the jobless rate reached a record 26.9%.  There has also been a rise in Social Security affiliations, which increased from 16.3% in 2013 to 17.2% in October 2015.

sector inmobiliario spain

Spain Is The World’s 6th Largest Property Investment Market

It’s not really surprising that Spain’s real estate market has become one of the most attractive in the world, given that property prices are still only slowly recovering from an almost 40 percent decline at the height of the crisis, and the country’s economy is now back on the path to growth.

spain public deficit

Spain Public Debt Reaches 99.4% of GDP: So What?

Spain’s public debt stood at 1.062.472 trillion euros at the end of September, representing 99.4% of GDP, and compared with the government’s full-year 2015 target of 98.7%. But is this debt burden really so heavy, when the average cost of debt stood at 0.87% at the end of October, compared with 1.52% in December 2014?

need spain

Spanish Firms’Internationalisation Changes Dramatically In 20 Years

The picture of the Spanish economy is changing thanks to the international activities of its companies, which has been increasing since the end of last year. Those firms which already operate overseas are expanding their business, but there is a risk that the uptick in domestic demand could dissuade new companies from leaving their home market.

spains economy

Spain Investment Grows, but Pending Challenges Weigh On Medium-Term Growth

The National Statistics Institute published last Thursday the breakdown of third quarter GDP, which has been estimated as having grown 0.8% in the quarter (3.4% year-on-year). This data once again stands out in the euro area, despite the fact it implies a deceleration from the 1% registered in the previous quarter. But key analysts believe that good short-term results should not cloud the fact that there are still areas of Spain’s economy which need to be improved.


Political Risk Weighs On Spain; Very Definitely!!

The political risk in Spain is a totum revolutum, where even the analysts cannot agree on what factor carries the most weight: either the Catalan secession process, the appearance on the scene of a political force like Podemos or the possibility that the  delicate balance acheived through the timid reforms implemented by Rajoy’s government could be destroyed.