On Monday, the country’s largest news servers went down. A day later, the largest portal, Seznam.cz, was put out of action for several minutes. On Wednesday bank websites crashed, and on Thursday, mobile telephone operators’ websites also followed. Since then things have been calm. But worries linger. Information about what actually happened is still very sketchy.
Experience from around the world suggests that what we are dealing with here are most often attacks by “hacktivists”, who are ideologically or politically motivated. However, in this case, there seems to be no clear political motivation for the incidents.
“Hackers work globally, just like the Internet,” says Karel Obluk, co-founder of AVG, one of the Czech Republic’s most successful security software companies. Like many experts he believes that as the Czech Republic is a small country with a relatively developed Internet infrastructure, it appears an ideal testing ground for an attack on a bigger target.
* Read more here.
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