Decline in wind and nuclear energy generation drives electricity prices in Spain above €100/MWh, 50% higher than last month


The daily price of the Spanish wholesale market (POOL) as of November 17 stands at €104.03/MWh. This is 51.78% higher than last month (€68.54/MWh) and 64% higher than a year ago (€63.45/MWh). According to analysts from Grupo ASE, this price increase is due to the reduction in wind and nuclear generation coinciding with a rise in gas prices, which makes combined cycle production more expensive. Therefore, in recent days, electricity prices have been above €120/MWh. Energy prices have risen across Europe. Daily electricity markets peaked on Wednesday, November 6, at 5:00 PM. At that time, Germany recorded €820/MWh and the Netherlands €550/MWh. These are levels not seen since the energy crisis. As of the 17th, the average electricity price is €124.70/MWh in Germany and €106.56/MWh in France, both above Spain (€104.03/MWh).

Gas Combined Cycles increase their production by 43.5% and dominate price setting: Wind generation in the first part of November has been 60% lower than its average over the last five years. This has been compounded by the scheduled shutdown of two nuclear plants (Ascó I and Ascó II). Additionally, solar contribution decreases at this time of year. In exchange, the generation from gas combined cycles (CCG) has increased by 43.5%. So far this month, CCG generation has averaged 123 GWh per day, its highest level since September of last year (141 GWh/day). They occupy the third position in the mix in November, contributing 18.5%, just behind nuclear (18.8%) and wind, which, despite its decline, remains first with 19.7%.

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The Corner
The Corner has a team of on-the-ground reporters in capital cities ranging from New York to Beijing. Their stories are edited by the teams at the Spanish magazine Consejeros (for members of companies’ boards of directors) and at the stock market news site Consenso Del Mercado (market consensus). They have worked in economics and communication for over 25 years.