Search Results for ten lost months


The Enduring Glow of Gold

BEIJING |  Caixin Magazine | A ripple of skepticism recently hit prices of the yellow metal, but gold remains the ultimate hedge on inflation, as former Morgan Stanley’s Chief Economist for Asia Pacific Andy Xie explains. The global economy has already entered into stagflation with a growth rate of 2 percent and inflation at 3 percent. The inflation rate is likely to rise above 4 percent in 18 months while the growth rate will remain stuck in the same range. With inflation twice as high as the growth rate, the global economy will slip deeper into stagflation.

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Italian government says andiamo, Europa!

MADRID | By Antonio Sánchez-Gijón (Capital Madrid) | What is on stake for the new Italian government? The country is living in a contradiction: on one hand it has debt and risk premium under control, but on the other it is struggling with a deep economic crisis. Moody’s has corrected its 2013 GDP forecast set so far at -1%, and has placed it at -1.8%.

Alfredo Saenz

A fair ending for Alfredo Sáenz

MADRID | By Carlos Díaz Güell | In the coming weeks we’ll see if the banking career of Alfredo Sáenz, probably Spain’s best bank manager during democracy, with Emilio Botín’s permission, is finished or not.


Berlusconi, Bárcenas and Angela Merkel

By Miguel Ángel Rodríguez, analyst at XTB | For all the noise these scandals bring about, the pressure on Merkel should not abate. The eurozone needs that Germany relaxes its stand on public investment cuts, and efficient measures to deal with sovereign debt should be agreed by core country members.

Van Rompuy

A flawed Berlin-dictated Euro-governance

MADRID | Germany is taking advantage of other euro zone partner’s feebleness to impose its credo. It aims to firmly anchor the fiscal compact initiative it has so forcefully battled for.