TLAC proposed calendar in 2015

TLAC next steps: Quantitative Impact Study

BBVA Research | March 30, 2015 | The TLAC’s public consultation period ended on 2nd February. Now is the time for carrying out a comprehensive Quantitative Impact Study (QIS) to define the optimal calibration of the TLAC. The FSB will assess the potential impacts on financial system, financial stability and the real economy. 

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FSB: tougher loss-absorbency homework for too-big-to-fail banks

MADRID | The Corner | The Financial stability board (FSB) is advocating an increase in regulatory demands of systemic banks: the so-called “too big to fail”. The details will be presented at tomorrow’s G20 meeting, but will effectively mean that more capital and liabilities can automatically be written off in a crisis. The basic requirement will be set at 15-20% of risk-weighted assets by 2019, although the final number will be higher (even more than 25% in certain cases) since lenders have to meet “other regulatory capital buffers,” according to the document, dated Sept. 21, quoted by Bloomberg.