
ECB at dusk

The ECB Increases Its Emergency Purchases By 54% In The Week Of Germany’s Constitutional Court Ruling

Just a few weeks before the ECB’s key meeting (4th June), Lagarde has responded to Germany with the biggest weekly purchase since the start of the pandemic: 44 billion euros, 54% higher than the weekly average since April. Furthermore, Olli Rehn affirmed that the German Constitutional Court’s ruling could have an impact on the central banks’s ability to exercise its price stability mandate.

Karlsruhe Court

Why Is The German Constitutional Court Now Challenging The ECB’s Purchase Programme And European Justice?

The German Constitutional Court surprised everyone yesterday with a ruling that some of the European Central Bank (ECB)’s actions, carried out as part of its 2015 bond purchase programme (PSPP), are unconstitutional. This decision clashes directly with the judgement of the European Court of Justice (ECJ). The decision does not call into question the entire debt purchase programme, but rather the part relating to the Bundesbank’s intervention.

aranceles china

The Coronavirus Crisis Could Cut 0.15% Off Spain’s Economic Growth; 0.18 off German Growth

Yesterday, ratings agency Standard & Poor’s published a report where it calculates that China’s coronavirus crisis will subtract one or two tenths off economic growth, both in the Eurozone and in the UK, in 2020. This is due to the impact on exports to China and on business investment. In Spain’s case, the figure may be excessive. This is because the impact on imports from China must also be taken into account and will work in Spain’s favour.


Germany, Today, Is Dependent On China

The world has changed a lot because China has changed a lot. China’s share of global GDP has risen from a negligible 2% in 1990 to 15.9%. Meanwhile, the other powers have fallen in that period: Japan, from 14 to 5.8%; Europe, from 35% to 21.9%; and the USA, from 27% to 23.9%, according to Weltbank data.  So hundreds of thousands of jobs in Germany are now dependent on China. And all over the world, because China today accounts for 1/3 of world growth.


Germany: No fiscal measures for now; DAX outperforming

There are a few paradoxes in Europe’s biggest economy unquestionable economic slowdown. Labour market remains solid. The last macro data shows a lower deterioration than expected, thanks to the expansion of other neighboring economies such as the French. Also, Berlin malaise has not hit the stock market. The DAX has outperformed other European indexes this year.

Germany: what will happen with the German middle class

Germany: What will happen to the middle class

Lidia Conde (Frankfurt) | The fourth globalization now punishes the German middle class, which perceives how the revolution accelerates and introduces new elements such as the competence of Indian computer experts operating from home: they do not need to emigrate to work.


Germany Cycle: Stabilisation At Low Levels Provides Little Comfort

Gilles Moëc (Axa Investments Manager)| Those who like to see their glass half full probably took comfort in the fact that in Germany the manufacturing Purchasing Managers Index rebounded by 0.2 pp in October relative to September, but this was again short of expectations and the absolute level remains very concerning.

Germany workers

Why is the European motor losing energy?

Caixabank Research | Having grown at an acceptable 2,8% in 2017, Germany slowed sharply in 2018 and, in the last four quarters, interannual growth has on average been a miserable 0.8%. In the second quarter, in fact, growth was negative, and everything point to this tendency being maintained in the third quarter, which would mean entering a technical recession. Below we analyse why.