Green New Deal

Acciona Energia

What The Greens Don’t Tell

Miguel Navascués | According to Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, the Daily Telegraph’s editorialist, the recent global meeting on climate change in Glasgow was full of optimism, especially on the part of business. However, the cost of transforming from “dirty” to “clean” production has not been discussed. That is to say, there has been enthusiastic talk of quantities of CO2 easily eliminated thanks to incipient discoveries, without any details of how this would…


Action against climate change: too many ambiguities

Miguel Navascués | Everyone talks ever more passionately demanding that climate change be slowed by changing from energy based on oil and gas to one that does not produce CO2. But no-one explains if technological change will really allow this to happen in time.


Spain renewables auctions in 2022

EU: The New Green Deal (I)

Alexandre Mato (Bruselas) | Brussels recently announced the creation of the Innovation Funds with 10 billion euros to invest up until 2030 in green technologies to support the European energy transition.