PKO Bank Polsky, DNB Bank and Santander are the strongest European banks to face an adverse scenario

The Role Of Bank Branches In The Euro Area

Against a backdrop of unstoppable digitalisation, one of the objectives for the banks at the moment is to find a balance between their physical branches and this new digital approximation which clients want.

European financial industry awating for MiFid2

Rosy Post MiFid2 Outlook?

The European Financial industry is clearly suffering when trying to meet the constraints imposed by the new transparency European regulation a few weeks before the gong (January 2018).

European Directive MifidII

“MifidII is built on the foundations of MifidI’s main failures”

Fernando Rodríguez | The MifidII obliges the 100,000 professionals who inform and advise on finances in Spain to be accredited as being technically qualified to do this job by January 2018. Spain is the only country in Europe which doesn’t have any regulation in place regarding professional qualifications.

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Spanish multilateral trading facility platform PAVE brought to a halt

LONDON | PAVE Platform on Wednesday announced the suspension of its plans for an ultra-fast marketplace focusing on Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American listed equities and ETFs. The Spanish equity market is one of the few major markets in Europe where deregulation and increased competition have yet to arrive and the Barcelona-based project’s aim was to bring in competition. The lack of capital resources, though, has forced it to admit defeat,…