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Marissa Mayer and what is important for a female professional, CEO or not

The pregnancy of Marissa Mayer, Yahoo’s new chief executive seems to be relevant for some American media. Besides the hot buzz on her next challenge –Yahoo has a troubled history with its CEOs and Mayer, a former Google star with two degrees in Computer science, arrives to the company in a moment of deep restructuring-, many have taken the occasion to underline the fact that she is the 20th CEO…


Spanish sovereign paper: war and punishment

How scared are investors of Spain’s debt? Very. So much so that judging by their behaviour, financial analysts in Madrid are increasingly adopting the language of their country’s politicians, if for different reasons. That is war out there for Spain’s sovereign paper, no one doubts. The Spanish debt has now been under extreme tension during a week and the pressure has pushed credit costs up whether it is for two…


“In Spain, we shouldn’t have bailed out the bankers who sank their entities”

By Cruz Sierra, in Valencia | | Bad timing. It must feel at least challenging to become chairman of the employers' association Cierval in the region of Valencia. The autonomous government recently asked Madrid for help to face its debts, while Madrid itself negotiates in Brussels softer deficit targets and the conditions of a banking bailout for the country's financial industry. José Vicente González said in an interview with VP that…

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Gamification helps companies to promote innovation, says Kervin Werbach

NEW YORK | By Ana Fuentes | Can games change business? Many analysts insist that they can motivate employees, bring a sense of enjoyment into a company and make it more attractive to its customers. Games are powerful because they are fun. Former expert advisor for the FCC and Associate professor of Legal Studies and Business Ethics at The Wharton School, Kevin Werbach is a leading expert on the social implications of emerging Internet and communication technologies. He is also founder of technology analysis firm Supernova Group. In a context of crisis, he says, European companies should think of gamification as a tool to reduce their fear of failure and help to promote a culture of needed innovation. He talked to us at Wharton University campus in San Francisco.

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The Cércle des Économistes’ recommendations to save the euro

how can i get back with my ex This year's edition of the rencontres économiques, which the French Cércle de Économistes hosts in Aix-en-Provence since 2001, was condemned to debate the worrying health of the euro zone. The subject might have ruined the weekend when it took place, from July 6, though that didn't happen, probably because there is little coincidence in the fact that this economists' lobby seeks no common…

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Spain’s national High Court charges against 33 directors of Bankia

By Tania Suárez, in Madrid | In a context of economic crisis, where everybody feels on the verge, people are demanding justice. And justice, for a change, is doing its homework. Mirroring the process affecting Barclays, now is the turn of Bankia. The political party led by Rosa Díez, Unión Progreso y Democracia (UPyD), took legal action against the Spanish bank and filed a complaint with the Audiencia Nacional, the…

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“Confidence in Spain’s banks will improve”

home loan with bad credit rating By | Citigroup strategist José Luis Martínez believes the importance of the delay in the Spanish request for capital to bailout the country's banking sector has been overblown by commentators. Martínez, though, worries about the cost of the short-term credit for Spain. To what extent the results of the latest audits on the banking sector have improved confidence in the Spanish banks? Confidence…


Three silver lines in the euro sky

LONDON | You needn't be a bureaucrat in the payroll of any of the myriad of euro institutions to launch a campaign that points at the various strengths the common currency area still possesses. Day after day, whether it's new developments in politics or foreign direct investment balances, some piece of data brings up the surprising resilience that wows non-euro observers. Amid the sorry situation of the euro estate, JP…


The art of deceiving the West without letting it to collapse

BEIJING | China is very good at persuading the international community. Current Chinese leaders had a great master: the strategist Sun Tzu who left a legacy on the art of seducing and wining. No matter what kind of cooperation Beijing has in mind, their main aim is to ensure that a win-win resolution is reached. Cooperating at the expenses of loosing some advantages is not an option. Therefore, one should not…

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The euro, the mistake

By Luis Arroyo, in Madrid | Why did the euro seem to work so splendidly after just a few years …to be about to crash now with such almighty noise? Here I suggest an explanation, which is simple and incomplete and yet, crucial. In the first graphic, we see the Spanish real GDP in red and Germany's in blue both at annual growth rates. The drop in the 1990s is…