World economy

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What Obama didn’t say in his State of the Union speech

NEW YORK | In his fourth speech in front of the nation, president Barack Obama addressed the financial crisis and pledged to fight for economic fairness. In the middle of the race to the November election, the president couldn’t find a better moment to speak about inequality. Earlier on Tuesday, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney –Obama’s most likely opponent, according to some experts– disclosed that he paid an effective income…

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That Lagarde’s speech [video]

Christine Lagarde, the International Monetary Fund’s managing director, was talking on Tuesday in Berlin about the obvious economic challenges in 2012, and a possible policy path for global cooperation to restore confidence and growth. Readers from around the peripheral European Monetary Union zone have convinced The Corner that Ms Lagarde’s words have achieved quite an echo among member states currently undergoing net austerity pressures. These are some of the most celebrated…

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Unveiling the actual US unemployment data

Recovery problem: job rate’s pulse is weak, statistics are misleading, and the construction sector –that in 2004 created 14% of the jobs but last year didn’t reach 3%,– looks gloomy. WASHINGTON | According to provisional statistics, the US created 200,000 jobs in December and 1.64 million around 2011, being 2011 the best since 2006 in terms of job creation. The employment forecast for 2012 is 2.1 million –unemployment rate ended the…

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We better keep an eye on Chinese housing prices

By Julia Pastor | Given the changing global economy and its prospects for the coming months, all eyes are on China, where policies to curb real estate prices are beginning to take effect. According to official data from the national statistics office, that JP Morgan in Spain includes in its Friday report, in November, new housing prices in China fell by -0.17% MoM (although they are still at +2.3% YoY)…

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US Insight expands in Europe through Inmac adquisition

US company Insight Enterprises, a global technology provider of hardware, software and service solutions, has announced that its European operation will acquire Frankfurt-based Inmac, a broad portfolio B2B hardware re-seller based in Germany and Netherlands servicing clients across Western Europe. Inmac’s revenues are approximately $120 million. The transaction is expected to in mid-February. “We are extremely excited about the acquisition of Inmac, which will provide a great team, broad client base…