

ACS: Underweight pending reinvestment of excess capital

Morgan Stanley | ACS (ACS) continues to reduce its risk profile following the purchase of Abertis and its exposure to assets. This is already discounted in the price. in addition it remains without control over the cash flow of its most important assets (Abertis; ACS/Hochtief/Cimic).

Abertis reorders its shareholder's debt through its dividend policy

Abertis Reorders Its Shareholders’ Debt Through Its Dividend Policy

Abertis will pay an extraordinary dividend of approximately 10 billion euros, of which ACS will receive approximately 4 billion euros, and this will allow it, in turn to improve its dividends. Abertis has announced to its shareholders – Atlantia (50%), ACS (30%) and Hochtief (20%) – the distribution of an ordinary dividend between 2018 and 2020 of 2.675 billion euros (891.6 million euros per year).

atlantia puente genovaTC

Atlantia: avoid short term positions, even below €20

Santander | After the collapse of the Morandi bridge in Genoa, the Italian government has begun the process of terminating ASPI´s concession. The management team could try to negotiate possible solutions to avoid the termination, despite the protection offered by the terms of the contract.

Atlantia Abertis

ACS And Atlantia Will Share Control Of Abertis

So here is the final chapter in the story of the bid for Abertis: ACS and Atlantia have agreed to share management of the new company they will create to buy Abertis, in which they will each hold a 50% stake. Both companies want to keep the current management team. The chairman will be Spanish and Abertis’ HQ will be in Madrid.