Green light for Atlantia’s bid for Abertis: ‘meets requirements’
The Cabinet has approved the takeover bid for Abertis launched by Atlantia for the former’s toll motorways in Spain.
The Cabinet has approved the takeover bid for Abertis launched by Atlantia for the former’s toll motorways in Spain.
The effective launch of the bids for Abertis will be delayed 2-3 months if the CNMV revokes authorisation for Atlantia’s offer and it has to seek prior government approval.
Hochtief has launched a €18.76 cash or share offer on Abertis, raising speculation around a potential price war between Atlantia and Hochtief.
ACS has launched a competing bid for Abertis, via Hochtief, at €18,76 per share. It fits in with our forecast scenario that ACS would offer a higher price than Atlantia (€16,50/share, combining cash and shares which cannot be sold before February 15 2019) in its counter-bid for the Spanish concessionaire.
Spain’s stock market regulator yesterday accepted Atlantia’s bid for Abertis, acknowledging that the content of the explanatory document presented by the Italian company is sufficient and in line with current regulations. The approval also gives Atlantia the possibility of improving its offer and establishes the period for ACS to consider its eventual competing bid.
ACS is still looking for the financial muscle to be able to make a counter-bid for Abertis. The company has the capacity to generate cash and has a solid financial situation, but it would need the help of foreign investors to better Atlantia’s bid of 16,5 euros per share.
The construction company is studying a possible counter-bid for Abertis in order to improve Italian Atlantia’s offer price of 16.5 euros, but no decission has been made yet even though the Spanish Securities and Exchange Commission CNMV has already been notified.
It’s now official. Atlantia has launched a full takeover bid for Abertis worth 16.341 billion euros, implying a price per share of 16,50 euros. Payment will be made either in cash or via a share exchange.
On May 2, Fitch confirmed its BBB+ rating with a stable outlook for Abertis, citing as reasons the company’s recent acquisition of 100% of Sanef and the fact it has less debt than its competitors.