public works spain


Government approves largest public employment offer in history, 40,000 vacancies

The government has approved the largest public employment offer in history, with 40,146 vacancies. However, the trade unions do not support the offer as they consider that it does not cover the staff deficit that the administration has been carrying since the outbreak of the financial crisis in 2008. A staffing gap that the CCOO unión puts at 65,000. The measure does not convince CSIF, the civil servants’ union, which…

Spain public employment

Public employment hits record high: 2.9 million, up 22,840 in 1Q23

Public employment has grown in Spain by 22,842 people in the first quarter of the year, the largest increase in staff in the service of the Public Administration in this period since 2015, when regional and general elections were also held in Spain. According to the updated public employment data at the end of March published yesterday by the Ministry of Social Security, with this increase in staff the total…

ERTES extension

Rate of temporary workers in Spain’s public sector (30.2%) doubles that of private sector (14.8%)

According to the USO union, temporary employment in 2022 was slightly reduced compared to 2021, but that of the public sector continues to be higher than in 2020 and 2019. The latest Active Population Survey, at the end of 2022, reflects that the greater precariousness of employment occurs in the public sector, which doubles the rate of temporary employment in the private sector. Thus, temporary employees of all kinds in…

Ismael Ce

“It Cannot Be That The Number Of Public Employees Rises And At The Same Time The Number Of Hours Worked Falls”

Almudena Díez | Ismael Clemente, CEO of Merlin Properties, explains that “What we are seeing today is that the adoption rate of teleworking in Spain is very low. In fact, it is one of the lowest, not only in Europe, but in the world. With the exception of the public administration, which has adopted it massively, with the risk of generating inefficiency” Q: A Bankinter director told us that the…

3. Public debt

Government, Trade Unions Agree On Record Offer Of Public Employment, With Almost 30,000 Vacancies

The Ministry of Finance and Public Administration reached an agreement with the trade unions on Monday to launch the largest public employment offer in the history of the General State Administration, with 29,578 vacancies. As reported by the Independent Trade Union and Civil Servants (CSIF), the General Union of Workers (UGT) and Comisiones Obreras (CC.OO.), the negotiated offer does not include the State Security Forces and Corps, the Armed Forces…

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500 Public Works, Worth Over 230 M €, Abandoned Because They Do Not Consider Rise In Price Of Materials

The National Construction Confederation (CNC) warns that the public tenders that are being abandoned in Spain already exceed 230 million euros, as stated in the report that the employers’ association has presented with data broken down by territory. In total, almost 500 deserted works have been identified. Of these, the most affected would be Catalonia, where the hole due to the 200 abandoned tenders amounts to more than 50 million…