

Porcelanas Lladró Is The First SME To Be Rescued In Spain

Compañía Española de Financiación del Desarollo (Cofides) has made public the names of the first two companies to benefit from the resources of the Fund for the Recapitalisation of Companies Affected by COVID-19 (Fonrec), endowed with 1 billion euros. These are Lladró and Martínez Otero. In the case of Lladró, it will be granted a participative loan of 8 million euros, following the analysis carried out by Kroll, as financial…

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Barcelona challenges Madrid

The Catalonian regional government has filed a request for help warning Madrid it will not accept any condition linked to such rescue. For a Cabinet in desperate need of cash to keep running its services, the flat refusal to take on board any tip seems a bit reckless. But it has a trump card in its bid to soften Madrid resistance. It is threatening to trigger a full fledged confrontation…

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A full rescue may help Spain to bit the bullet

Now that full rescue seems an unavoidable option, overtly accepted by Madrid, the main opposition party in Spain has found some way to deliver a scathing attack on government. For all its dismal delivery while in power, it managed to avoid such unpalatable scenario. The current cabinet, supposedly better equipped to bring Spain out of trouble, has already being forced into a €100 billion banking salvage package and now it…



By CaixaBank research team, in Madrid | According to the Spanish Royal Academy, «rescatar» or bail out in Spanish is to release from danger, harm, trouble or oppression. Given the misgivings that the outcome of the Greek elections might lead to the country leaving the euro, something that would have hindered the considerable financing needs of Spain and Italy over the coming months, the Eurogroup welcomed the Spanish request and…


Spanish banks’ €100-billion lifeline: this is what we know so far How to win back your ex By Julia Pastor, in Madrid | Everyone's talking about it. The financial support demand or the bailout that Spain has requested from its European partners last weekend in order to, at last, recapitalise the country’s banking industry is admittedly one of the most significant episodes in Spain’s recent economic history. After the International Monetary Fund published on Saturday early in the morning its stability…