Técnicas Reunidas

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Técnicas Reunidas to develop southern Europe’s second largest 2-G biofuels plant for Cepsa in Huelva

Link Securities | Cepsa has awarded Técnicas Reunidas the contract to develop the engineering for the largest second-generation (2G) biofuels plant in southern Europe, which the company will start up together with Bio-Oils through an investment of up to €1 billion, in the La Rábida Energy Park (Huelva). The new plant, which will use agricultural waste and used cooking oils as feedstock, will have two pre-treatment units and a flexible…

LNG regasification ship

Técnicas Reunidas and FCC to build €1-billion regasification plant in Germany

Técnicas Reunidas, FCC and the Turkish company Enka have been awarded a contract worth around 1,000 million euros for the construction of a liquefied gas regasification plant for Hanseatic Energy Hub in the port of Stade, in the Haburg region. This terminal will be built next to a plant of the chemical giant Dow Chemical to utilise its industrial heat. It will be erected at full speed, with the aim…


Técnicas Reunidas wins $1bn contract to build fertiliser plant in Kazakhstan

Técnicas Reunidas (TRE) has won a contract to engineer an ammonia, urea, nitric acid and ammonium nitrate production complex owned by Kazazot, Kazakhstan’s leading fertiliser company. With a total planned investment of around $1 billion, the plant will be located in the town of Aktau, capital of the Mangystau province, in the southwest of the country. Técnicas Reunidas will initially carry out the engineering of the facility under a FEED-OBE…


Técnicas Reunidas Requests A Loan Of €290 Million From The State

Bankinter analysts explain that Técnicas Reunidas (TRE) , the engineering and construction company, has had to face a particularly difficult year due to the pandemic, with delays in the execution of contracts. This has led to a sharp fall in revenues and net cash and a worsening of its margins, forcing it to resort to a participatory loan of 290 million euros from SEPI (Sociedad Estatal de Participaciones Industriales). The…


Técnicas Reunidas: Portfolio at Historic High (€10,026 million) but Low Visibility on Margins

Bankinter | Técnicas Reunidas enjoys a record order book and a healthy balance sheet, including a positive net cash balance. However, margins continue to be tight and this is the main source of uncertainty in the medium term. Furthermore, the reduced visibility of the oil and gas price recovery and the low diversification of its business (focused on the Middle East), leads us to increase our caution.

tecnicas reunidas

Middle East represents 70% of Tecnicas Reunidas projects

Alphavalue | Even if the battle between Chevron and Occidental for Anadarko serves to remind us that financial discipline and oil and gas rarely go together, it remains far from its 2014 heights. The companies integrated in Tecnicas Reunidas have drastically restructures their cost basis in the last five years, to the consternation of the oil services sector.

Tecnicas Reunidas announce new tenders at the end of 2018

Tecnicas Reunidas Gains New Tenders At The End Of 2018

Tecnicas Reunidas has announced it has secured the tenders for three contracts at the close of 2018 for around 1 billion dollars (870 million euros). The new tenders are the most positive aspect in recent months. In the middle of November a new contract was also announced for 1.27 billion euros.

Ruusian oil industry

Russia: Oil Is Cheap, But Peace Is Dear

Russia’s economy of 140 million people has managed to survive inflation (2.5%) and the fall in the rouble, although it needs to make the energy miracle last one decade more to offset sanctions.